Saturday, July 27, 2024

    A Perfectly Redefined Igbo Bridal Look

    NIGERIAN WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER 121663675 1081328042316808 8108659110582948001 n

    You have all it takes to be a good bride, you’ve checked every essentials needed for your big day but what about your outfit? You should check, check and double check that.

    As much as Igbo brides want to look fashionable and stunning, they always retain culture and tradition in their look. This bridal look is a perfectly redefined Igbo bridal look. Every stitch fix depicts elegance and beauty, leaving Favor completely dashing.

    NIGERIAN WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER 121597130 260305865388584 318942782610439454 n
    NIGERIAN WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER 121593632 717080699154476 7021948278565304403 n
    NIGERIAN WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER 121833646 181647423447876 2441758888673974880 n
    NIGERIAN WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER 121575127 631036947515345 3966160405989032641 n
    NIGERIAN WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER 121402057 730822984168250 4487372150048810483 n

    Photography: save_a_shot_weddings

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