Ariyiike Is The Captivating Ankara Style Icon

In recent times, the Ankara fabric has gone beyond a casual Friday wear or an outfit for “owanbe” Saturday parties, and it is pleasing to the eyes and soothing to fashion world that a fashion icon is so in love with the fabric and she tweaks it into any style she so desire, spicing it up with other fabrics for a charming look.

Ariyiike always grace our screen with stunning, chic Ankara styles that you definitely will fall in love with and want to fill your closet with just Ankara fabrics.

The versatility she has made out of the fabric has inspired this post. Also because we love when our KOKOnistas slay any style they want with any fabric at all. Be it a mini dress, maxi dress, blazer, skirt, shirt, wrap top, jumpsuit, two-piece shot and blouse, maxi gown and what have you.

SOURCE: Instagram (Ariyiikedimples)