Saturday, July 27, 2024

    6 Ways To Protect Your Skin From Excess Sunlight

    As the summer rolls around, the skin begins to experience changes. With excessive heat and humidity all day, your skin starts yearning for more protection, from exhibiting those annoying heat rashes and sunburns. skin koko brides

    Prolonged exposure of sunlight to skin can lead to various forms of skin cancer, many of which, thankfully, are preventable. The sun isn’t the only damaging predator; tanning beds, smoking and an unhealthy diet can also have ill effects on the body’s outer layer.

    So it’s essential that you intensify your skincare game right away to stay away from unwanted summer skin issues. Let’s see how.

    1, Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

    This is when the sun is most intense and produces the greatest chance of sunburn. If you must be outside during these hours, seek shade by using an umbrella, a tree or other type of shelter. Use protective clothing and sunscreen even when in the shade.sunlight KOKO Brides Nigeria

    2, Use lotions that contain Sun Protection Factor (S.P.F)

    Higher SPF numbers indicate increased protection. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using at least SPF 30. Use sunscreen even on cloudy or cool days as damage from the sun’s rays can still occur. Re-apply every two hours or after swimming or when sweating. Also, check that the expiration date is typically three years, less if it has been stored in high temperatures.sun protection factor

    3, Make healthy lifestyle choices

    Maintain healthy skin by not smoking. Smoking damages collagen and elastin in your skin. Treat your skin gently by using mild soaps and daily moisturizers. Limit hot showers as this can strip essential oils. Pat dry after bathing to retain moisture in your skin. Eat a healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and plenty of water. Engage in stress-reducing activity, and get regular sleep.Skincare Tips And Beauty Regime In pregnancy KOKOBRIDES

    4, Face Wash to Remove Excess Oil

    In summer, oily skin can get more oily. Use a face wash suited to your skin type that can deep cleanse and remove all the dirt and grime. People with dry skin would need a non-foaming cleanser. Go for  a mild, alcohol-free and pH balanced cleansers.

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    5, Go For A Good Skin Care Routine

    Maintain a skin care regimen and follow it religiously. Choose gel-based (for dry skin) and water based (for oily skin) rather than cream-based products as the former are lighter and non-greasy. Cleansing, toning and moisturizing twice a day will help keep you clean and fresh. washing face koko brides

    6, Stay Hydrated 

    Hydration is key at all times during summer, Your water intake in summer should be a minimum of 2-3 litres a day. Drinking water also helps to flush the toxins from the body, you can use a hydrating face mask after you wash your face at night for some extra hydration while you sleep. Splash your face frequently with water or carry a facial mist to freshen your skin at regular intervals water koko brides 1 Trending video of the day;
    Photo Credit: Getty

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