How To Avoid Disappointment On Your Wedding day

It is known fact that people get disappointed on their special days especially, weddings.

There are ways to avoid getting disappointed on your wedding. Though disappointments are bound to happen, because we are all humans and 90% of our dealing are also with fellow humans. A nerve or two can be twitched and the unexpected could happen. here are ways to ensure that this doesn’t ruin your special day.
1. Be Prepared: You need to always be prepared for the worst. Anything can happen at any time. You don’t have to wait for it to happen, before you realise the possibility of the situation. Know what you want but always have it at the back of your mind that things could change.
2. Don’t give all your trust: There is no disappointment without initial trust. You need to limit your trust level, so that you don’t end up getting hurt.  If you trust that someone is capable of ding something, then still give them a long rope to believe that other faults could arise, even if they may be out their control.
3. Get over it: There is no hard and fast rules to avoiding disappointments. However, when they happen, make sure you get over it fast enough before emotional damage is done. It is your special day, don’t let anybody ruin, except of course your spouse is trying to act funny!
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