Saturday, July 27, 2024

    10 Things To Know As A Wedding Guest

    Getting invited to a wedding as a wedding guest is nice, but you should know there are things to take note of, so you don’t end up ruining the wedding unintentionally or end up being the talk of the day on a bad note.
    10 Things To Know As A Wedding Guest

    So you can blend into any wedding you attend, we have put together a list of things you as a wedding guest should know so you don’t end up making a fool out of yourself. Here are 10 things to know as a wedding guest.
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    10 Things To Know As A Wedding Guest KOKOBRIDES16
    Choose a gift for the couple wisely
    When attending a friend’s wedding, it is prompt that you get a gift to show support and care. Choosing gifts might be tricky, so make sure you get the appropriate gift that will be useful to the couple as they start a new life together.
    10 Things To Know As A Wedding Guest KOKOBRIDES3Know what to wear and what not to wear
    Don’t dress like a clown, at the same time don’t dress to outshine the bride because it is not your wedding. You are just a wedding guest so follow through with the dress code given and dress appropriately.
    10 Things To Know As A Wedding Guest KOKOBRIDES5Be on time
    Try to arrive twenty minutes before the time listed on the invitation. Sometimes, the unavoidable happens and you find yourself running late to the ceremony. Make it possible that you arrive on time.
    10 Things To Know As A Wedding Guest KOKOBRIDES14
    Don’t steal from the reception
    Most people find it hard to believe that wedding guests actually steal or try to steal from a wedding. Don’t be the wedding guest that everyone refers to as a thief, behave yourself so you don’t end up being disgraced.
    10 Things To Know As A Wedding Guest KOKOBRIDES15
    Don’t get wasted
    We understand that it is a party and there is going to be a lot of drink and food, and you can always have a good time without getting wasted. Imagine getting wasted and misbehaving at your friend’s wedding and having to be dragged out because of that. The couple wouldn’t find it funny as well as other wedding guests that were invited.
    10 Things To Know As A Wedding Guest KOKOBRIDES4Don’t be a party pooper
    A party pooper is someone who spoils all the fun. Don’t be a party pooper at a wedding, don’t be a wedding guest that sits down when it is time to dance with the bride and groom or it is time to catch the bouquet. Nobody likes a party pooper.
    10 Things To Know As A Wedding Guest KOKOBRIDES10Make sure to congratulate the family
    Even if you’ve never met the couple’s parents, seek them out to introduce yourself, thank them and tell them how much you enjoyed the wedding.
    10 Things To Know As A Wedding Guest KOKOBRIDES6
    Don’t photobomb the official photographs
    There is time for everything when it is time to take photos with the couple then feel free as a wedding guest to do so, don’t photobomb photographs you have not been invited to join.
    10 Things To Know As A Wedding Guest KOKOBRIDES2Don’t assume you can bring a date without asking
    This is one problem that gets associated with a wedding guest. If you are given an invitation card it means you are expected to come along. Unless you were specifically told to bring any other person you wish, don’t bring an uninvited guest.
    10 Things To Know As A Wedding Guest KOKOBRIDES11Don’t bring your kids if they are going to make a scene.
    Kids always have a way of making a scene. If your kids are not old enough to control themselves and behave, it is better you leave them at home and have someone watch over them rather them have them make a scene at the wedding.

    Photo Credit: Getty


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