Saturday, July 27, 2024

    5 tips On How To Plan A Perfect Nigerian Baby Shower

    Having a baby is always a thing of joy, and definitely worth celebrating. However, planning a Nigerian themed baby shower to celebrate the good news, is not always a bed of roses. Too many details, Too little details, who to invite, who should be left out, food to serve, decorations and so much more, can be a little tiring for an expectant mother. This is one of the cogent reasons why people contract out their baby showers. However, planning your own baby shower should not be at all difficult, if you are well prepared and follow these ten tips keenly.
    Pick a Date: Traditionally, baby showers are usually done five to six weeks before the baby is born, however, you are allowed to pick whatever date that suits you. Whenever the date maybe, ensure that you either fix it the activity on a weekend. calendar BRIDES NG

    In other societies, the evening of any weekdays may still suffice, however, most guests might be too tired from work having had a rigorous work day or been caught up in traffic. You do not want a baby shower without the people that matters most to you and your unborn baby
    Location and venue: Most bridal showers are usually done at the expectant mother’s home. But incase, your home isn’t spacious enough for the guests you are planning to invite, then you have to choose an alternative. GARDEN Brides NgFor an outdoor baby shower, you can decide on a park or a garden. It is however important that you ensure your location isn’t too far wherever your guests are coming from, and the venue you have decided upon isn’t too big, making it look like there aren’t enough people at your event.
    Pick a Theme: Pink themed baby showers are usually popular when the soon to be delivered baby is a girl, while blue themed baby showers are for boys. You however can decide to pick your colours as it suits your taste. baby shower Brides NgYour theme could also differ from the popular themes, it could be a unicorn themed party, princesses, football stars and so on
    Food: Baby showers are usually “light” events, so finger foods would definitely suffice. Serving staple Nigerian food is a bit too much, you would want your menus to include snacks such as, popcorn, small chops, cup cakes, cookies, smoothies, Chapman, Fura de nono, roasted plantain and sauce and so on.snacks Brides NGDraw Up A Guest List: Lastly, Draw up your guest list. You do not want to be in a situation where you forget to invite some people or you invite people who you didn’t consider their “worthiness” enough before asking them to attend your event. GUEST lIST BRIDES NGPhoto Credit: Getty

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