Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Ferdinand And Stephanie Proves Once Again That Love At First Sight Is True

    He saw a Queen the day he met and since that day, he wouldn’t stop treating her like the dashing Queen she is. The Ferdinand and Stephanie’s love story is so sweet, it literally would leave you smiling uncontrollably to yourself. After meeting the odd one out of the group at a restaurant, Stephanie was so sure that the odd one was the perfect one. The bride-to-be shared their love story when she revealed that: “One Sunday afternoon in March 2015, Mena (cousin), Olivia (best friend), and I went out for brunch at a restaurant in DC called Alba Osteria. Many thanks to my friend Yade for recommending this restaurant!

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    Little did I know that this day would be the beginning of a lifelong journey with my soon to be husband Fred, or as my friends call him “Uncle Fred”. As the three of us sat deciding what to order, one of Fred’s friends (Hi Cyrille!) persuaded us to join his loud group of friend’s sitting right next to us. After much coercion, we joined the large group of men and women, still very confused by the unexpected kindness we were receiving. Fred was at the table, the quietest of them all, but somehow he made the biggest impression. I will never forget this, there was a moment where Fred and his friends got up from the table to form a huddle (don’t ask me why lol) and he looked directly at me and pointed at me, making that gesture that implies I’m coming with him!

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    All I could think was, “These guys are crazy!” lol, Needless to say, Fred and I exchanged numbers that day and we have not stopped talking since. He has treated me like his Queen every day since we met, so of course, I said yes when he asked me to marry him. Fred proposed to me amidst family and friends in Hollywood Hills, truly the biggest surprise of my life.  I thank God every day for that brunch that led me into Fred’s arms. Fred is the most caring, nurturing, and passionate man I have ever met and it radiates to all those who come in contact with him.

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    That is why my friends call him “Uncle Fred”, he just has a natural ability to make people feel at home. How did I get so lucky! God has truly blessed me with my personal person. He annoys me like a little-big brother, makes me smile like a best friend, and loves me like family. I am truly blessed and forever thankful. As we start this new chapter of life together, I pray that God continues to fortify our union and our home. I have the utmost confidence that you will lead our household down a path of unity and happiness. I can’t wait to start this adventure with you

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    Photo Credit: @tunjisarumi

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