Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Sweet Love! Ebele And Emeka’s Love Story Will Leave You Gushing For Days

    Okay, hold on tight to your seat because this love story will make you love love. Ebele felt the connection and energy the felt day they met and since then that energy stayed true. Or how else are we going to explain how sweet and totally in sync the couple were on their wedding day. Read their traditional wedding feature here The excited bride Ebele recalled the day they met when she said that:ebele wedding 2 brides ng

    ” The very first time I met Emeka, we were at my family house in Nigeria. Emeka had come around completely unplanned as he was accompanying my sister’s then-boyfriend (now husband). During the banter, I remember one of my sisters asked Emeka to guess our ages (bearing in mind I’m the youngest), this guy confidently promoted me to the oldest and added like decades on to my age lol (slight exaggeration – but definitely at least 5 years). Then he tried to convince me it was a compliment! It was pretty funny watching him trying to backtrack!ebele wedding 3 brides ng To this day, I still like reminding him how he basically told me that I look old and wrinkly within moments of knowing me! Ever the smooth talker lmao. I still married him though, look at God, won’t He do it. Even though it was a group setting, Emeka and I connected immediately. I vividly remember the feeling I got when he introduced himself for the first time and we shook hands and made eye contact.  I instinctively liked his vibe and I literally felt this energy between us. I liked how he was super authentic, down-to-earth, pure and quietly confident. ebele wedding 4 brides ngHe had no bravado, he was just super chill and funny. Our connection was easy. We shared the same silly sense of humor and love for all things music and creativity. We literally spent the whole evening laughing and playing around. He was interested in my art and I was fascinated by his architecture. He was surprised that even with my British-co accent I still knew more about Afro beats than him. When I returned to the UK, Emeka added me on Facebook and we started messaging every day.ebele wedding 5 brides ng Eventually, I gave him my number and we started talking every day on WhatsApp. We would literally speak for hours throughout the day and spend the whole evening discussing until the early hours of the morning. He became my best friend who I could talk to about anything. We would speak in the morning before work, on my way back from work and the evening before bed. On birthdays and our anniversaries, Emeka would send me gifts and special videos.  ebele wedding 11 brides ng ebele wedding 10 brides ng ebele wedding 9 brides ng ebele wedding 8 brides ng ebele wedding 7 brides ng ebele wedding 6 brides ngebele wedding 14 brides ngebele wedding 12 brides ngebele wedding 13 brides ngPhoto Credit: Bedgepictures

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