Friday, July 5, 2024

    9 Things To Do After A Heart Wrenching Breakup

    Relationships that have sad ends are heartbreaking no matter the duration of the relationship and no matter how ‘nice’ it ends.

    It doesn’t matter if it was mutual, over a disagreement or even based off of no conflict or whatsoever it would still hurt but it’s better to hurt and forget about it than pretend its okay. The best way to heal from it is by moving on from it.

    For those who have no clue on what to do or have clues but feel they are unnecessary, here are ideas on what you can do to feel better

    1. Cry: It’s natural to feel sadness, anger, or other emotions after a breakup. Give yourself permission to grieve the loss of the relationship and process your feelings. If you need to cry to let go of what you want to get rid of then cry. Just try to make sure you don’t make it a daily routine.
    2. Talk to your Friends: Reach out to friends who can provide emotional and any kind of support during this time. Talk to them about how you’re feeling and allow them to be there for you.3. Focus on yourself: While it may be hard to comeback from “my view, his view” to “my view”, you’ll have to move past the idea of joint plans and commitments and focus that energy on just you. Look back at things you wanted to do but couldn’t do and put all that energy into it. The best way to go is to be successful at something, even if it’s learning the art of moving on.

    4. Reflect on the relationship: Use this time to reflect on the relationship and what you’ve learned from it. Consider the aspects that worked well and those that didn’t, and use these insights to grow and make better choices in the future.

    5. Avoid contact with your ex: As tempting as this is, it’s very important that you cut all connection with your ex, don’t text and block him on all the platforms you can use to monitor him. Don’t be clingy, it will only prolong the hurting.6. Seek professional help if needed: Heartbreak can be a really traumatizing experience and not many people understand what it means to feel yourself go. Well, in this case all you need is to seek professional help. The mental, physical and emotional stress that heartbreak can cause is the type that only someone who is skilled can take care of.7. Block Out Negative Energy: Surround yourself with things that make you look forward to better days, anything that brings laughter to your eyes and hope to your heart, stay there and dwell there. Be it music or a movie. Whatever just makes your heart excited is what should surround you. 8. Take things Slow: Don’t rush into a new relationship or try to suppress your emotions, dint force yourself to not feel simply because you want to move on quickly. Take your time and move at your own pace, don’t allow pressure from known and unknown sources.9. Pick Up A New Hobby: The goal of this is to distract your mind from going down the lane of thoughts and getting all up in your feelings of sadness. It also in turn helps to open your mind to things you can do when you start, some people find their lives work after experiencing major heartbreaks. when the heart breaks, the crack is an opening for new hobbies.

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    Photo Credit: Getty

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