Saturday, July 27, 2024

    7 Signs You’re Having A Miscarriage

    A miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy during the first 23 weeks.

    Most miscarriages happen in the first trimester before the 12th week of pregnancy. Miscarriage symptoms may include: spotting or bleeding from the vagina; abdominal cramping or pain in the lower back; passage of tissue.

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    Here are top 7 ways to know that you’re having a miscarriage.

    Vaginal spotting or bleeding: The first sign is light spotting or brownish discharge to heavy bleeding and bright-red blood or clots. The bleeding may come and go over several days.

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    Pain or cramping in your abdomen or lower back: Experiencing non stop pain and cramping in your abdomen or lower back is also a sign that you’re having a miscarriage. Back pain can occur in both early and late miscarriage. Intense pain in the lower back is common in late miscarriage.

    Cramping and pain in your lower tummy may be caused by a miscarriage. If you have any concerns about any pains that you’re having please see your doctor.

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    Fluid or tissue passing from your vagina: You’re more likely to see blood clots in your discharge in a late, rather than early, miscarriage. These are likely to be larger and thicker than those passed in the first trimester and is a sign that your having a miscarriage.

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    Not feeling pregnant: No longer feeling pregnant and experiencing the symptoms of pregnancy, such as feeling sick, cravings and breast tenderness can be a sign of a miscarriage.

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    Sharp or persistent pains: While its normal to experience pains during pregnancy. It is not normal to have persistent and severe tummy pain, usually on one side.

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    No more nausea: if you been sick all of your first trimester and it suddenly went away without a reason or tablet given by the doctor. This therefore could be a sign of pregnancy loss.

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    Weight loss: During pregnancy most women gain weight and if your suddenly losing and unexplainable amount of weight then this is a sign of early miscarriage and you should see a doctor.

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    Photo Credit: Getty

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