Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Postpartum Mothers Should Be Happy And Not Depressed; Snap Out Of PPD!

    PPD KOKOTV05 1

    Yes! Your bundle of joy is here already. That joy of motherhood exudes your entirety that you can barely take your eyes off your little one. It is surreal. It is worth the wait and stress. You finally have one to call your offspring, to show off to the world and you just can’t wait to spoil them with love and of course gifts.

    The period after your delivery is a culmination of emotions that ranges from being happy to being fulfilled, excited, edgy, anxious, sad, unhappy and perhaps angry. You’re happy for having your baby and on the other hand, you’re anxious about snapping back in shape. For those nine months, your body had stretched and really changed, so there’s a lot to deal with. There’s sleepless night, fatigue, loss of appetite and what have you. And if all these are not properly managed, it could lead to Postpartum depression (PPD).


    If you are a working class mum, you might not fall into this evidently because you kind of have a form of distraction from motherhood drama. But for a stay home mum, everything stares at you in the face and you just feel frustrated and at the verge of begging for another life.

    When you start resenting yourself at anything you do wrong, not bonding with your baby well, not mentally settled, easily fatigued, indecisive, having insomnia, always cranky, sad and not happy, then you are going through Postpartum depression and you need to seek help.


    Although nurturing a baby and having your life back to normal at the same time is a bit challenging but you shouldn’t be hard on yourself. First of all, be happy with this new phase of your life and take it one step at a time. Also, following these friendly tips will help you get out of postpartum depression quick enough.

    1. You must have heard this a thousand time, sleep when your baby is sleeping. This is like the best sleep you can get when you’re around them.

    2. Exercise. Not necessarily long sessions, you can do 10 minutes workout or just take a walk with your baby in a stroller and breathe fresh air. Exercise may have an antidepressant effect on someone with PPD. This will help you stay calm and feel relaxed.


    3. Try as much to avoid isolation. Talk to others about how you feel, have a support system that can help cheer you up whenever you feel down. This will help elate your spirit.

    4. Be realistic about your expectations from yourself and your baby. Expect that you will have some good days and some bad days. This doesn’t make you a bad mom, you are doing just good.

    5. At this point, you need to maintain a healthy diet and provide your body with all the nutrients needed. Put it on a time table if that will help.


    6. Postpartum period can be really overwhelming, so it is okay to seek for help from people around you. Ask them to come stay with your baby for sometime while you ease off. This will also help you with some “me time” or getaway time that you can use to decompress, sleep, see a movie, go out with friends and just be yourself for a minute.

    7. Most importantly, foster relationship with your partner. It will save you a whole lot. Let them know how they can help you and what they can help you with. They are the closest to you so open up to them on everything so they can help with emotional support.


    Conclusively, it is expedient you know you’re not in the motherhood phase alone. You’ve got your partner, friends and family with you. They can always help you. Also note that postpartum is a season to explore the joys of motherhood and not to be depressed. So snap out of PPD!


    SOURCE: Getty

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