Saturday, July 27, 2024

    10 Simple Ways To Remain Friendly With Your Ex

    Breakups are hard because you have invested significant emotional energy into one person, and now the support which that relationship gave you and you gave them is no longer there.

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    Break up doesn’t have to be the end of things. With the right attitude and the eagerness its always possible to remain friendly with you ex.

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    Below is 10 ways how to remain friendly with you ex.

    Proper Closure: Make sure you and your ex had a clean exist in the relationship. Make sure all issues are settled before walking away from each other. Remember all the good memories in the relationship and try to leave any negative memories behind.


    Get Forgiveness: It may not be easy to forgive someone with all the pain they have caused you and forgiveness does not happen overnight but be willing to forgive them.

    Make sure you have apologised for whatever pain you have caused them and hopefully they can do the same. It may take time, but once the wounds heal and both of you have forgave, it is possible to remain friendly with them.

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    You cannot remain friendly with your ex if you still have grudge against them.

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    Behave Like Meeting An Old Friend:  In order to avoid any awkwardness between each other its good to treat them like an old friend. Making jokes with them and asking about their family or friends will make things less awkward. If you see each other regularly and or bump into each other a lot; it will be easier and a lot natural. 


    Whenever you see them greet them with a cheerful and high energy and someone you haven’t seen in ages.  Asking them questions like “How are you?” and “What have you been up to?” will put you at easy.

    Give Each Other Space: Don’t contact or text your ex. Its important to give each other time to heal from any wounds and the break up.


    Avoid Spreading Gossips: It is so easy nowadays to believe everything and everyone. Its important to know that you do not believe everything you hear. Make sure that if you hear any gossip about your ex to confront them and ask them. This will ensure that both of you will remain friendly and they will have respect for you.

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    Treat Each Other Casually: Avoid asking personal questions that your not entitled to know anymore. Have casual conversation such as, the weather or any events that is coming up. Treat each other the way you would treat your other friends.


    When you see each other it’s important to treat each other casually than trying to avoid each other. This will let any awkwardness go.

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    Do Not Bring the past: The past should always stay in the past. Its important not to discuss what went wrong in the relationship, whose fault everything was including the breakup. Having closure means both of you do not bring the past if you want to remain a friendly. Be happy that wounds have be healed and that open wounds aren’t reopened.


    Know Your Limitations: Remember that you are not in a relationship anymore and that you don’t get to criticise them or their actions. Know your place and where you stand. Mind your business at all times. This will allow you and your ex to remain friendly. 


    It’s important not to invade your ex privacy and make sure you only give your opinion when asked for by them.

    Respect His/Her New Relationship: If you ex is in a new relationship its important to not let jealousy to overtake you. It’s important not to be jealous or angry. Respect your ex wishes and leave him to be happy if you want to remind friendly with him. If you see your ex new partner make sure you smile, treat them casual and are friendly towards them.


    Its important to know that now you ex is in a relationship to avoid being sweet to your ex and contacting them for no important reason. This will get them in trouble in their new relationship and they wouldn’t want to be friends anymore.

    Do Not Force It: It’s important to know that friendship on works if you both want to and are eager to make things as easy and comfortable as possible. Its important to not fore your ex to be friends and that if they do not want to associate with you then you must accept that and move on.

    Being friendly with your ex only works if both of you agree and is actually willing to.


    Photo Credit: Getty

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