Home Lifestyle 10 Ways To Practice Self-love On Yourself

10 Ways To Practice Self-love On Yourself

The first step to loving the other person endlessly and properly is to first love yourself, value, and appreciate yourself. The moment you are filled with love you have the power to give some of it to the next person. According to a popular saying you can’t pour from an empty cup as you can only give from a half or full cup.

In recent times there is a call to learn to love oneself wholeheartedly, speak one’s love language to oneself we all have a unique way of loving ourselves, and for those who don’t start learning to love yourself and we are here to guide you on the steps to take for this.
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  1. Positive Affirmations
    One way to practice self-love on oneself is through positive affirmations. Walkthrough the day saying and repeating positive words to yourself, words of reassurance. You can go the extra mile by getting the apps on your phone or a calendar in your home of positive affirmations.
  2. Practice your love language on yourself
    There are 5 love languages and everyone has how they want to receive love so begin by showing yourself love in your own love language.
    Receiving Gifts: Buy yourself a gift regularly no matter how small
    Words of Affirmation: Say positive words, words of encouragement to yourself
    Physical touch
    Acts of service: Do things  for yourself that you love
    Quality time: Spend time with yourself, go on dates alone, travel alone, discover new and exciting things about yourself.
  3. Prioritize your mental health 
    Learn to take breaks from work, school, or anything that puts you under any type of stress. Avoid triggers that impact your mood and feed your soul with a lot of positivity.
  4. Book spa dates, table reservations for yourself
    Book yourself a full spa date at a great spa and give yourself the self-care you deserve. A table reservation at a new or your favourite restaurant is also a perfect way to love yourself.
  5. Join a support group or community 
    Locate a support group or community in your area that you connect with it could be a club, society, or a church group, and be a part of it. Connecting with others helps you learn from them and also develop.
  6. Explore your spirituality.

    Faith is the foundation for self-love. Whether or not you’re religious, believing in something opens up your soul to the beauty of belief and trust. It will build your intuition and help you make decisions based on your intuition. When you explore your spirituality, it will also take you on a journey to learning things about yourself, and those new thoughts, feelings, passions, and raw emotions will make you appreciate yourself for being authentically you.

    7. Avoid comparison
    Comparison is a thief of joy so never compare yourself or your journey with that of others. Remember that these positive pics on the Internet don’t always tell the whole story, and everyone has bad days.

    8. Create a self-love ritual
    Have a self-care routine that you follow regularly filled with your favourite activities and events.

    9. End toxic relationships 
    Anything or anyone that makes you feel less of yourself should be removed from your life. Surround yourself with people who love and encourage you. Let them remind you just how amazing you are.

    10. Find your happy place.
    Where’s the one place you feel totally at ease, calm, happy, positive, high on life? Go to that place when you are going through hard times, or imagine yourself being there. Think about how it feels, what it smells like, what it looks like.

    Photo Credit: Getty