Saturday, July 27, 2024

    6 Reasons Why First Borns Are The Best Partners

    There’s a certain flair about the oldest child. You know those ones that are the assistant parents.

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    While this post may be biased, it will make dating the firstborn so very awesome. Apart from their pampering nature, there are tons of benefits to being the oldest child. Perhaps you are the oldest child and you just like reading about yourself or you want to date a firstborn, read on and discover why dating the oldest child is the way to go.

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    1. Reliable
    The oldest child is as reliable as oxygen is to humans. They have a strong sense of responsibility and reliability which stems from taking care of younger siblings which has led to a character sturdier than the Iroko tree.


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    2. In Control
    All the pressure to set a good example also sets into motion the idea that the oldest knows better. And let’s not forget who’s in charge while babysitting. They are very proactive and assertive, they take charge when necessary, and have great leadership qualities.Relationship Dating Sexual KOKO Brides 1

    3. Ambitious
    Maybe it’s because they always have it at the back of their minds that they have others looking up to them, but they actually are goal-oriented, they have a particular standard set and they do whatever it is to meet up to it. They are always driven and ambitious

    DATING KOKOTV0 14. Caring 
    Whether its covering up and accepting blame for younger ones, firstborns are always quick to shielding their younger ones from danger or unnecessary issues, this comes natural to them especially when they wear the “assistant parent” cloak. Now, close your eyes and  imagine them as partners , you might get spoilt and pampering would seem like an everyday affair.

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    5. They are Great Organisers
    The oldest child learns this skill from the day they take their first breath, I mean they organized themselves to come to the world first, what will they not be able to organize?. The answer is nothing. Dating them would be exciting from planning and organizing dates to getting spots for hangouts, you can be rest assured that the oldest has got it under control.


    6. Family-Oriented
    Being the eldest child, they value family bonds and traditions because they saw it first hand and this will make them a great partner who cherish family life and create strong family unit. Dating an eldest child means they have strong values and respect family values.

    Remember, these characteristics are generalizations, and individuals may have unique personalities shaped by various factors beyond just birth order. It’s essential to get to know the person as an individual and appreciate their qualities and traits, regardless of birth order.


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