Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Determined Lady Just Got Engaged To Her Instagram Boyfriend Of 2 Years

    lady Engaged 3

    A lady on Instagram is so excited about getting married to her boyfriend of 2 years and this is the reason why

    Lea Toshiye is one of the happiest women on earth as her boyfriend of over 2 years has finally proposed to her. Here is the beautiful love story she shared on the internet; “On November 17, 2013, I saw a picture of a man that I knew I was going to marry one day. I had never met him but i was SO sure that I sent his photo to my friends, told them I would marry him, and screen shot our convo and saved it. The very next day on November 18th, this man and I started talking and from there we never stopped.lady Engaged 2 We ended up spending 2 years in a long distance relationship before moving in together and then spent 3 years living the baseball life (long distance seasons, together off seasons). Over the years, we’ve gone thru, dealt with, and overcame so much as individuals and together and now we’re going to spend the rest of our lives together! From day one, i just knew i was going marry the man in that picture and I’m so freakin excited that it’s happening! Eeeeeeee!!!” 😆😍😭lady Engaged 1
    Photo Credit: Getty

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