8 Interesting Things To Know About Relationship Before You Get Involved

Love is sweet indeed when you are with the right person! Before you get into an intimate relationship, you must be emotionally strong, mature and prepared for the incidences, both good and bad.

Partners must understand that relationship demands commitment. It is an agreement to be identifiable, attributable and responsible to each other.

1. Your Partner Is a Different Gender

The earlier you appreciate the fact that your partner is always a different gender, the easier your relationship would go.

Being conscious of this fact will enable you employ appropriate approaches in your dealings with your partner. You need to understand what your partner wants.

2. Relationship is Fun

It is true that there are good numbers of bad relationships out there, do not be carried away from the fact that the good ones are greater in number. The bad ones are always louder because bad news spread faster than good news.

It is absolutely a beautiful thing to love and be loved; to have this one person whom you pour out to. Making your partnership fun is an individual responsibility which is built on love, confidence and interest.

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3. Love Alone Does Not Make Relationships Work

Love is not just a mere feeling. It is an action word. Although this is not always the case; but it is presumed generally that people initiate a close union with someone whom they love, or better still, when they love each other.

In a relationship, you are to put love in action; it should not be love putting you in action instead. You must love with your heart and not with your brain. Yes, love can be intoxicating, but in some cases you could be battling with infatuations and not love.

Sustenance of friendship is beyond love. There must be compatibility existing between the partners. There must exist some level of maturity, trust, good behaviour, confidence, common interest, similarity of standards and level of exposure, etc.

4. There is no perfect partner out there

Before the question of tolerance and acceptance should ever come up, there should already exist a reasonable degree of compatibility between the partners. This could be by way of having common interest, standards of exposure, like principles, natural acceptance, etc.

5. No Relationship is Beyond Becoming Toxic

It is possible for a relationship to become toxic in a short or long run. The good news about this is that it brings the partners’ incompatibility to their notice earlier in time and suggests them to find their separate ways on time. Well, the challenge is that toxicity can be possessive. The best position is not to be a victim at all.

6. You and Your Partner Isn’t the Same Person

Regardless of the compatibility and interest theories, you must understand and appreciate the fact that your partner is not the same as you are. Reasoning, understanding and perception can never be the same.

The knowledge and acceptance of these facts makes things easier. You and your partner are different genders with diverse orientation, grew up in different homes and backgrounds, and got influenced by different factors and experiences.

7. Financial Independence; a Necessity

If you are not financially independent, you will most likely have a hard time in your relationship. Financial independence is not having a lot of money; it is about having a viable means of income. Relationship demands some level of financial commitments.

8. Love Is Sacrifice

Sacrifice is an integral element of a smooth relationship. Love is sacrifice. When you love someone, you’ll do almost anything. Some personal adjustments must be made.

You will have to adjust your principles in order to incorporate your partner. To be in a relationship, you must be willing to be of real aid, support and concern to the personal affairs of your partner.

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