Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Supporting A Nutritious Diet With Healthy Lifestyle To Control Diabetes

    When you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, you will need to have a rethink on the kind of food you eat, what you eat and when you eat. Monitoring your diet and lifestyle is one of the best ways of managing diabetes and preventing it from worsening.

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    Here is how to support a nutritious diet with a healthy lifestyle to control diabetes:

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    With diabetes, its important to monitor your blood sugar regularly. This will help you manage your diabetes and help you decide what foods to eat.

    • Testing your blood sugar regularly and tracking your numbers is important. Always have this information ready to give your physician or other healthcare professionals so they can help manage your condition.
    • Also, testing your blood sugar will help clue you in on how your diet or certain foods affect your blood sugar.

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    Physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle for everyone. However, if you have diabetes, physical activity can help manage your blood sugar.

    • Regular exercise, especially aerobic exercise, helps to: lower blood sugar, improves insulin sensitivity, improves circulation and decreases your risk of heart disease.
    • Note that some exercises that are high in intensity or long in duration can cause a low blood sugar. Always track your blood sugar numbers and have a high carbohydrate snack or drink handy to help remedy a low blood sugar

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    With any chronic condition, it’s important to keep in touch with your physician on a regular basis.

    Keep your physician updated on your diet, exercise and blood sugar numbers so they can treat your diabetes effectively.

    Read also: How To Tell If You Have Diabetes: Recognizing The Signs And Symptoms

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