Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Dietary Changes That Promote Healthy Full-Term Pregnancy


    Good nutrition decreases the risk of preterm labour and helps to promote a healthy and full-term pregnancy.
    Here are some dietary changes you should make when you are pregnant:

    1. Eat healthy foods with the right diet


    The calories you consume when you are pregnant should be healthy calories, not those from junk food or fast food. One of the primary goals of eating more is to supplement your body and the child with the vitamins and minerals necessary for development.


    The recommended amount of vitamin C for pregnant people is 70 mg per day. However, it is best to get this diet from natural foods rather than pills and supplements. Aim to eat 3-4 servings of these foods per day.You can get lots of vitamin C from citrus fruits, papaya, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, and red peppers (among other foods).

    Read also: 6 Natural Ways to Relieve Pregnancy Symptoms


    Eating protein is always important, but when you’re pregnant you should aim to eat 2-3 servings of protein a day. Protein is primarily responsible for blood production and cell growth, both your own and your baby’s.Great sources of healthy proteins include eggs, Greek yogurt, legumes (beans), tofu, peanut butter, and lean meats.


    Calcium is vital to pregnant people. By consuming more calcium, you’ll be aiding in your child’s bone and nerve development.

    • Great sources of calcium include yoghurt, hard cheeses, milk, and spinach.
    • Vitamin D is important to consume as well, as it is required for your body to absorb calcium. It is found in most of the same foods as calcium is, as well as in cereals and breads

    5. Eat foods that contain folic acid


    You will be getting folic acid in a prenatal supplement. However, you should try to eat folic acid that occurs naturally in foods for the best results. Folic acid is responsible for enzyme functioning and blood production in your baby.

    Foods that contain folic acid include kale, chard, spinach, squash, beans, nuts, and peas. All of these foods contain other helpful nutrients, so try to eat 1-2 servings of them per day.

    6. Choose foods with zinc
    balanced diet
    It is important to eat foods that contain zinc during your pregnancy, so be sure to choose food items containing this essential mineral. Some dietary options include beef, pork, poultry (chicken and turkey), cashews, almonds, peanuts, fortified breakfast cereal, yoghurt, and cheese

    Iron is used in the body for blood cell production, both in your own body and your developing child’s. Most prenatal supplements contain iron, but as per most nutrients, it is best that you consume iron in a natural form from food rather than a supplement.

    • Foods that contain high levels of iron include red meats, spinach, and iron-fortified whole grains (like certain breads and cereals). Get at least one serving of these iron-filled foods per day.
    8. Take a fish oil supplement
    Omega-3 fatty acids are important for the development of your baby’s brain and eyes. Because this diet usually come from fish, like tuna, sardines, salmon, and anchovies, you may want to take a fish oil supplement instead of eating fish while you are pregnant to decrease your intake of mercury.
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