Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Awww! Justin Bieber Gets Emotional As Selena Gomez Is Being Hospitalized

    Justin Beiber koko tv ng 1
    Justin Bieber gets really emotional as Selena Gomez is being hospitalized right after she suffered emotional breakdown

    Justin Bieber, 24-year-old American singer and performer was pictured looking emotionally distressed as he attended a church service in Los Angeles. He was in company of his wife Hailey who took the wheels right after the service. It is expected he feels this way considering the time and years invested in the Jelena romance. Selena was said to have suffered “emotional breakdown” when she visited the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.Justin Beiber koko tv ng 2 While she was undergoing treatment for a low white blood count, Selena freaked out, and attempted to rip the IV’s out of her arm. Due to this, she sought help at an East Coast facility, and she’s currently undergoing dialectical behavior therapy.Justin Beiber koko tv ng 3
    Photo Credit: Getty

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