10 Tips To Help Parents Pick A Godmother

A Godmother is someone who is willing to help a child and be there for them throughout their life. Godmothers will be someone who’ll be in touch with your family for many years to come. They may be a relative or friend of the family.

Choosing a godmother for your child is an important decision, because the person you choose will be responsible for providing guidance and life lessons to your child.

Below is 10 tips to help parents pick a godmother.

Choose someone who will stick around: Choose someone that will stick around for the child. Family members are often a good choice because it’s pretty hard to disconnect from family. You don’t want it to be someone who will disappear from your child life.

Be clear with expectations: When choosing tell the one your considering what their expectations are. Often Godmothers are chosen and they have no idea of what is expect of them, so it’s a good idea to be clear from the start about what you’re anticipating they will be, or do for your child.

Don’t choose for the wrong reasons: Sisters, family and close friends are always the ones expected to be chosen to be the Godmother. Don’t feel pressured into choosing someone just because you think they might get upset.

Positive influence: Think carefully about your decision. Do you consider them a good and kind person. Will they have a positive influence on your child.

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Similar morals and ethics: Make a list of values that are important to you and choose someone whose values are similar to your own. This will provide your child with great moral that align with yours.

Location: If they live far away, are they generally great at communication with your child. A phone call won’t be the same as seeing the child face to face.

Finances: You’ll need to think about her finances and financial security. Are they in a good financial position? and would they be able to take care of your child.

Ask someone who is willing: Find someone who is willing to become their godmother. You do not want to ask someone who is not even interested.

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Sufficient Maturity: If the godmother you think about choosing behaves like a child then it is not a good idea to choose her. Also think about her maturity to take on such a responsibility. It is important you think about how they would handle things in different situations.


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