Saturday, July 27, 2024

    8 Tips On How To Be More Patient With Your Children When They Become Naughty

    Children can sometimes be naughty. As a parent, you need to learn how to be patient with them so as to avoid things you do not intend doing.

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    Below are simple ways parents can be patient with their children

    1. Ask your child to explain their behaviour

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    Listen to your child’s perspectives before you react. If you begin to feel frustrated because of something they’re doing or not doing, pause for a second and figure out what they’re feeling. You might find that this defuses your frustration and helps you understand why they didn’t behave the way you wanted them to.

    2. Take a few deep breaths or relax your muscles

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    If you feel your body tense up or your heart starts pounding when you begin to feel frustrated, take a moment to breathe deeply. This will give you time to gather your thoughts so you respond calmly.

    3. Talk with your children about patience.

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    Be honest when you’re impatient and explain how you’re feeling. Kids can tell when you’ve reached the limit of your patience, but it can really help to calmly explain to them know how you’re feeling. Then, mention what you’re doing to try to be more patient.

    For instance, say, “I’m losing my patience and feeling really frustrated. I’m going to sit down and close my eyes to do some deep breaths.”

    4. Apologize if you lose your temper.

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    Teach your children that everyone makes mistakes. Apologizing shows that you understand you didn’t handle the situation as well as you could have and that you will try to improve next time. This sets a good example of being able to apologize when you’re wrong—something they should also learn.

    5. Identify and avoid things that trigger your impatience.

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    Being aware of your triggers is the first step to becoming more patient, especially since you may have control over what triggers your impatience. Once you identify them, try to prevent them.

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    6. Practice being patient in all your interactions.


    The more you practice being patient, the easier it gets. If you make a conscious effort to be calmer in your interactions with everyone, you’ll find it a lot easier to be patient with your children. Work on being patient with co-workers or people you encounter throughout the day.

    7. Spend time having fun with your kids.

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    Relax and enjoy time together to reduce your frustration with each other. Give yourself permission to be silly!

    You might be so focused on not losing your patience, that you forget to have fun. Make a point of spending a little time every day just enjoying each other’s company. You might play games, bake cookies together, read them a story, or let them choose an activity.

    8. Set aside time for self-care.

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    Do things that make you feel rested, healthy, and happy. As a parent, you probably put your children’s needs first, often without looking after yourself.

    It’s important to practice self-care so you have the energy and enthusiasm to care for your kids. Get plenty of sleep since feeling rested can really help you have patience, and eat nutritious food so you feel your best.

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    Photo credit: Getty

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