Saturday, July 27, 2024

    How To Deal With Eating Disorder

    To inform yourself about the risk and seriousness of eating disorders, it can be helpful to perform research about these conditions.

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    Only a doctor or mental health provider can officially diagnose your eating disorder, but learning more can help you understand how life-threatening these conditions can be, and motivate you to get help. Learn about the most common types of disorders.

    • Anorexia nervosa is characterized by an obsessive preoccupation with body size and weight. An individual with this condition may fear gaining weight and believe they are overweight even when they’re severely underweight. Individuals may refuse to eat and eat very restrictive diets. Some people with anorexia may purge (vomit) or take laxatives to lose weight.

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    • Bulimia nervosa involves periods of binge eating—that is, uncontrollably consuming large amounts of food—and then compensating for overeating by purging, taking laxatives or diuretics, exercising excessively, fasting, or a combination of these methods. This condition can be hard to spot because many people with bulimia maintain an average weight.

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    • Binge eating disorder is characterized by consuming large amounts of food even when a person is not hungry. People with bulimia may eat in secret and be unable to control themselves during a binge. Although similar, individuals suffering from binge eating disorder (BED) do not engage in compensatory behaviors like purging or exercising excessively. People with BED may be overweight or obese.Food menu KOKOBRIDES4

    Observe and document your symptoms. Once you learn more about eating disorders, you may notice several symptoms that describe your own behavior. Paying attention to your symptoms as well as your thoughts and feelings can be helpful when you seek professional help.

    Look for clues about how your disorder developed. It may be practical to think about when and how your symptoms began to appear. Pinpointing such details can help your doctor diagnose your condition and any co-existing conditions like anxiety or depression. Thinking about causes can also help when you start to make lifestyle changes during treatment.

    Read also: 10 Natural Ways To Lose Belly Fat And Live A Healthier Life

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