Saturday, July 27, 2024

    How To Talk About Sexual Health With Your Partner

    Knowing how to talk about sexual health will help protect you and your sexual partners from sexually transmitted infections (STIs), make sex more enjoyable, and prevent unwanted pregnancy.

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    Read also: Basic Things You Need To Know About Sexual Health

    Talking about sexual health with a partner involves asking and sharing information about sexual health. It’s important to know the following about your sexual partner:

    • whether they’ve had a sexual health check, and how long ago it was
    • whether they’ve had an STI, and whether it’s been treated
    • their preferences in terms of safe sex practices (contraception/protection)
    • What they like and don’t like. This can mean establishing boundaries and making sure you’re both comfortable with what you’re about to do. It’s not okay to spring new sexual experiences on someone without their consent.

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    A chat about you and your potential partner’s sexual health won’t be the easiest conversation you’ll ever have, but it doesn’t have to be horrible. Here are some ways you can help things go smoothly:

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    • Do it in private.
    • Try to have the conversation ahead of time and not when you’re already aroused and wanting sex. Safe sex takes a bit of planning.
    • Set it up as an exchange of important health information, not a personal inquisition.
    • Tell them you want to have a conversation about sexual health and reassure them that you’ll respect their privacy.

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    Photo credit: Getty

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