Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Make Your Guy Turned On With These 11 Romantic Ways And Enjoy The Best Love Life With Him!

    With a little bit of confidence, you can make your guy turned on, and it is not difficult to get him in the mood of eating you up.


    Below are tips on how to turn on a guy:

    Play with him a little by getting flirty and suggestiveCHEATING KOKOTV00

    Keep it light. Remember to be fun and playful, and the guy will want you even more. Flirting isn’t about being serious, but showing you’re interested in them.

    Maintain eye contact while you talk. Make the guy feel important. Occasionally break eye contact to look at your feet or blush, and he’ll go crazy.

    Speak in a soft voice. You don’t have to whisper, but make it seem like you’re only talking to him.

    Read also: Is There A Guy Who Drives You Crazy With His Behaviour? Here Are 15 Signs To Show That He Has A Crush On You

    Use your entire body when the two of you smoochpassionate kisses KOKO Brides Nigeria

    Closing the gap when you kiss is a great way to excite him. Grab him, pull him close, and wrap around him when you two kiss. You’ll blow his mind!

    Incorporate your tongue to take kissing to the next levelpassionate kisses KOKO Brides Nigeria 2

    Don’t be too eager, gently slip your tongue inside his mouth and explore.

    Be gentle, slowly and gently move your tongue around the guy’s mouth.

    Don’t ignore the rest of your body. Move your hands around his back, shoulders, and neck, and press your chest up against his.

    If you know how to work your body, you don’t even have to say hello to make a guy feel hot and heavy. A few small things can make a big difference.

    Most guys go crazy for a gentle neck or ear bite

    neck kisses KOKO Brides Nigeria

    A little bit of teeth sends the message. Try some gentle bites on different parts of the guy’s body, and he’ll get turned on. Here are some places where biting will really turn your guy on:

    • Give him gentle bites on his earlobes.
    • Try some gentle bites on his neck — just be careful so you don’t leave a mark.
    • Nibble on his lip in the middle of a kiss.
    • If his shirt is off, don’t be afraid to bite his chest, or even his nipples. Nipples are an erogenous zone for men, too!

    Kissing isn’t just for lips, so get creativekiss KOKO Brides Nigeria

    You’ll turn your guy on even more if you maximize your kissing abilities by smooching him all over his body. If you’re just making out, throw in some neck, upper chest, and earlobe kisses.

    Variation is the spice of life, so mix things up if he’s on boardHow to turn on a guy

    Make love in new places. Pick a new part of your home to make love. Try new positions. Get sexy in some water. Make love in the shower, or hook up in a pool or a hot tub. Your guy will be more turned on if you can be sexy in almost any scenario.

    Break the sexual routine to keep him on his toes and engagedpassionate kisses KOKO Brides Nigeria

    If you’re only adventurous when you’re already deep in the heart of a vivacious make-out session, it can start to take on a bit of a routine.

    Hook up whenever you’re in the mood, even if you’re both just watching TV. Show him what you want and he’ll follow you to the bedroom.

    Compliment him whenever he accomplishes something, build him up whenever he’s feeling down, and go out of your way to make him feel special. This will help build your emotional connection and intensify your connection. The next time you two get down in the bedroom, the sparks are sure to fly.

    Take his shirt off and slowly rub him down and massage his muscles. Work your hands down to his waistline and play like you’re going to slide into his pants before pulling back. This kind of special treatment and teasing will get him really revved up and turned on.

    Whether it’s a seductive little red dress or some red lingerie, the colour is scientifically ingrained in people as a “let’s get it on” signal. This is a great option if you want to catch his eye and get his imagination going but you don’t want to be super forward about it.
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    Photo credit: Getty

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