7 Ways To Make A Home Movie Date Night Special And Memorable

If you want to ask your beloved to come over to your place for a romantic movie date, you can make it stand out and feel different from the ones at the theatre.

Here is how to make a movie date night at home stand out:

1. Choose a movie beforehand

You do not want to spend all your time together looking for something to watch, so look for a movie that you think your date would like to see. You can always ask your date what kind of movies they like beforehand so you can find something you’ll both have fun watching.

2. Send a surprise and unique invitation for the movie date night

Your date will be surprised by such a special invite. If you just ask your date if they want to hang out, they may think it’s just a casual hangout. You can send a creative text inviting them over and use fun language based on the movie you are watching.

  • “Who will have the one ring to rule them all? I’ve got a fun Lord of the Rings night planned for us to find out!”

3. Plan a meal based on the movie

A meal from the movie you are watching ties the whole movie date night together. You can plan a homemade meal or order in if you don’t feel like cooking. When you are choosing your meal, pick food that appears in the movie or would be served where it takes place. Your date will be impressed that you thought ahead and chose something related to the movie.

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4. Make some fun flavoured popcorn to make the movie date night enjoyable

Spice up your basic popcorn with some sweet or spicy mix-ins. Popcorn is essential for every movie night, but you don’t need to just have the same old butter and salt toppings. Get creative and give your date a few different options to make the popcorn a little fancier.

5. Put out classic concessions to enjoy the movie date night

Get your favorite candies and snacks so your date has a few more options to eat during the movie. Look for treats you would normally have at the theater, like boxes of chocolates, gummy candies, etc. Also remember to pick up some sodas or other drinks for your date to choose from too.

6. Set up home speakers

Speakers help you both feel more immersed in the movie. If you already have a sound system hooked up, put the speakers around the room and turn up the volume.

7. Turn the movie into an interactive experience

You could play a game of bingo and mark off a square every time a specific thing happens in the movie. You could also look up trivia questions on the movie and ask your date about them. You can find a ton of games for specific movies online if you just search the title. You can also try out a drinking game, you might take a sip every time a character says a certain line.

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