Saturday, July 27, 2024

    10 Tips To Plan For The Perfect Baecation In Nigeria

    Spending quality time with your partner is very important for a healthy relationship ensuring that the both of you share lovely moments with no disturbance. Take a break from work, family, friends, and your busy schedules to spend time together and also create memories. Baecations are a great way to do this; this means going on vacation with bae away from the public.

    Perfect Baecation In Nigeria

    Nigeria is a very beautiful place filled with great scenery and fantastic locations that you can go off to spend quality time with your significant other. Not everyone can afford a luxury trip abroad so you can consider going to a nice location in your city in Nigeria and enjoy the most beautiful time together. We are here to make things for you and would be sharing 10 tips to help you plan the perfect baecation in Nigeria.
    10 Tips To Plan For The Perfect Baecation In Nigeria 4 KOKOBRIDES

    1. Research your destination
      Make adequate research about the place you both would be going off to for your break, holiday. It has to be a place you both would find enjoyable because you don’t want to be the only one going to a place or destination that interests you. The perfect place is one where both of will are able to enjoy yourselves. Having full knowledge about your location also helps you pack your bag for the trip.
      10 Tips To Plan For The Perfect Baecation In Nigeria 45 KOKOBRIDES
    2. Share the responsibilities
      Planing for this trip will come with certain responsibilities like logistics, packing, finances. Fully discuss how you would love to go, how you would pack for the trip, and also the amount you are willing to put asides for the trip.
      10 Tips To Plan For The Perfect Baecation In Nigeria 5 KOKOBRIDES
    3. Finances
      Baecations are just like any other trip and it requires money to fully enjoy and explore your location. Discuss how much you are both willing to spend while on the trip and if it is a surprise trip clearly define your spending.
      10 Tips To Plan For The Perfect Baecation In Nigeria 13 KOKOBRIDES
    4. Plan fun activities
      While preparing for the trip discuss the activities you both would love to try at the location and ensure that the activities you both love are fully covered so no one feels left out.
      10 Tips To Plan For The Perfect Baecation In Nigeria 34 KOKOBRIDES
    5. Take a break from your phone
      A lot of us live on our phones and we feel the need to constantly be on it at all times staying up to date with work and friends. You have taken this time off to fully enjoy each other so try as much as possible to avoid your phone and have fun. This is a good time to take a break from your daily schedule.
      10 Tips To Plan For The Perfect Baecation In Nigeria 12 KOKOBRIDES
    6. Don’t be social media conscious
      I know that place is picture-perfect and you want to document every moment of it for your friends and followers on social media. Do you remember the popular saying that says” Our best memories are captured in our heart” now is a good time to put it to use? Forget Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and truly enjoy the moment.
      10 Tips To Plan For The Perfect Baecation In Nigeria 9 KOKOBRIDES
    7. Take lots of photos
      Memories are all we have left of our favourite places so as you head out for that special trip with bae take lots of photos of your location, each other. It doesn’t have to be a photoshoot it is perfect regardless.
      10 Tips To Plan For The Perfect Baecation In Nigeria 4 KOKOBRIDES 1
    8. Buy Souvenirs
      How do you want to remember that amazing and beautiful trip when you return back home to your daily schedule? So make plans to pick up your partner to pick up souvenirs from the location.
      10 Tips To Plan For The Perfect Baecation In Nigeria 10 KOKOBRIDES
    9. Go with the flow
      Don’t fill your day with lots of activities sometimes try and go with the flow and have as much fun as you can. You would reminisce on the memories one day and be grateful that you did.
      10 Tips To Plan For The Perfect Baecation In Nigeria 0 KOKOBRIDES

      Photo Credit: Getty

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