Saturday, July 27, 2024

    12 Simple Manners Every Child Should Know

    As a parent, don’t forget that you are the best model your child can have. Your child learns a lot from you and children easily learn what they see. So when teaching your child simple manners, make sure you model what you teach.

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    Here are 12 simple manners your child should know:

    1. Please

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    Train your child to always use the word, please when asking for something. Using the word, please is a simple manner every child should know. Model this good behaviour by saying need when you request something from your child or anyone.

    2. Thank You

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    Let your child express gratitude by saying ‘thank you’ when he receives something. When you model this good manner, it will go a long way to helping your child. When your child does something for you, thank them for being a big helper.

    3. Wait For Your Turn

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    Learning to take turns in conversation, without interruption, can be difficult for children because they like to always express themselves. Develop this skill by explaining to them why taking turns is important as it allows everyone to be heard equally.

    4. Excuse Me

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    Sometimes your child will need to interrupt you. They might have an emergency, for example, or their sibling fell and got hurt. In these cases, the phrase “excuse me” is the most polite way to enter the conversation.

    5. Ask Permission

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    Teach your child to ask for permission when they are in doubt of doing something. You may also have standing rules about situations that require permission, like answering the door.

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    6. Reciprocate Greetings

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    Explain to your child how customary greetings work. For example, when someone asks how you are, give your response, and then reciprocate by asking how they are too.

    7. Knock on Closed Doors

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    Teach your child that doors are for privacy and security, so if a door is closed, your child should knock before entering. After knocking, they shouldn’t badge in, rather, the next step is waiting to see if there is a response, then get permission before entering.

    8. Introduce Yourself

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    Phone etiquette is also important for children. Teach them to introduce themselves after placing a call, then ask to speak with the person they are trying to reach.

    9. Don’t Use Foul Language

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    This is very important. Children learn things from different places, especially in schools. They might have learnt something that is not pleasant to the ears, make them understand that using foul language is not polite.

    10. Don’t Call Names


    Calling people names makes them feel bad. Train your child not to call people names by not calling them names as well. Your child learns good manners from home first, so make sure you model your child well.

    11. Pass Dishes at the Table

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    Teach your child not to reach for things at the table. Instead, they should ask to have them passed. Passing dishes not only limits the bumping of elbows, but it also reduces the likelihood of spilling foods.

    12. Don’t Spread Germs

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    Germs can spread through air or touch. When your child understands how to practice good hygiene, he decreases his chances of getting sick and avoid spreading illness to others—and that’s a good manner in itself! Teach your children to wash their hands after using the bathroom, cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze, and avoid picking their nose.

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