Saturday, July 27, 2024

    6 Ways To Break Up With A Hookup Or Fling

    Who cares if it is a fling? Situationship or just a hookup? Some do, while most don’t.

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    However, we should all agree that despite how weird the relationship was or how long it lasted, it deserves a dignified send off.

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    When you part ways with someone respectfully, it doesn’t mean you are weak, it only shows you valued what the two of you shared.

    For instance, you hooked up with your best friend but you don’t want to lose your friendship, so how do you go about it?

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    Here is how to breakup with a hookup without making things awkward between you two:

    DATING 102 KOKOTV6Do it in person: There is nothing more annoying and embarrassing than someone breaking up with you over a text, phone call or through a friend.

    Of course you are not proud of what you did but the least you can do is face that person and talk about it. This way things don’t remain awkward or hostile between the two of you.

    Time and place matters: Before ending things with someone, factor in the time and place. You don’t want to be in a situation where they could cause a scene or get embarrassed.

    Also don’t invite them for a date to deliver the bad news, they might have their hopes up. Instead do it at their place, where they don’t have leave and face the world immediately.

    Be positive:
    You want to create a positive impression about the breakup. Do not go to the meeting gloomy, be happy and be your usual self.

    Give the person reasons why you want to end the relationship, lean to the positive. Do not lay blame on the other person when in fact you are the one breaking up with them.

    Do not ignore them: The idea of ghosting a fling might seem appropriate especially if no communication on terms and expectations were set.

    But this will most probably leave the counterpart broken. It is also immature. You don’t want that to happen. You may want nothing to do with them but it doesn’t mean they are as strong as you are, give them time to slowly accept the situation without leading them on.

    Be honest:
    You don’t want to leave room for questions and doubts. Be prompt and straight to the point. End things as soon as you see signs of expectations from a fling, you did not sign up for.

    Avoid lying and scheduling fake flights; you also want people to respect you, so be honest and true to yourself and them from the beginning.

    Give it time: There are those flings that you don’t want to just end completely. You might want to remain friends because you have created a connection overtime.

    This is good. But, it is important to give each other time and space to adjust to the new norm after a breakup.DATING KOKOTV22 scaled

    Photo Credit: Getty

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