Saturday, July 27, 2024

    5 Negative Outcomes Of Strict Parenting

    The growth and development of children can be affected by parents, friends, and family.

    strict parent

    It’s important for every parent to know that while charity begins at the home of strict and loving parents, other negative things can also do the same. Whether the result of actions are known or not, here are a few reasons how strict parenting can affect a child’s life

    Low Self Esteem
    When a child is constantly told what he/ she did wrong every time, such a child will never feel confident in their abilities. This will take a big toll on their development and will only be accompanied by flaws and negative self-image.low self esteem

    Anxiety and stress
    Adults are not the only ones that can be stressed and anxious, one nature of children is to be carefree with no worries, but when a parent gets strict with a child they begin to worry and get scared about everything and nothing, even things that are minute. This will end up having a terrible effect on their mental health.strict parents 4

    Shut Down And Restrained 
    After constantly getting strict and authoritative on children, they tend to close up to avoid anything that will or might link to them being scolded. This makes it difficult for them to express themselves even when they have the need to. This is really dangerous because it’s like a ticking time bomb.

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    Most times, children just want to have fun, and engage in extracurricular activities with friends and peers, but having a parent say ‘No’ while dishing out rules and regulations after every attempt to go out can turn a child into a Loner. Such a child can actually grow up and not feel the need to associate with people and this will affect every of their relationship in the future.strict parents 5

    No Bond Between Parent and Child
    Nobody likes to stay in a place where they feel less loved, under appreciated and less heard. If as a parent all you can offer is rules and punishments because you’re trying to be strict with training then you’re no different from a dictator. This will lead to lack of trust, emotions and will promote emotional instability in the child. It won’t let you enjoy parent-child relationship.

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    It is important to balance every relationship with children, not just for their present needs but also for their future. Engage in open communications with them and allow them contribute to different things themselves while you guide them through.

    childrenn in therapy KOKOBRUDESTrending video of the day;
    Photo Credit: Getty

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