5 Tips On How To Ask Your Dream Guy Out

One of the greatest misconceptions is that a guy must ask a girl out, and it’s never right for a girl to ask a guy out.

Why succumb to the popular opinion that was made by someone’s experience when you can create your own experience? You should be confident in your decision to ask him out after knowing details about his life and at least

Well, after gaining confidence and getting sure about where you stand on your feelings

Pick a time and place you’re comfortable
Maybe it’s during a party you’re both at, or when you’re all out with friends, or doing something together. Being comfortable will help show how confident you are, and guys love confidence.

Practice makes perfect
As weird as this sounds, it’s a serious technique. Practicing asking a guy out in front of a mirror, is a great way to overcome any shyness you might feel. Practicing your lines is a great way to build confidence for when you actually ask. Hopefully, staring at his dreamy eyes doesn’t make you forget altogether.

Research about his passion
Find out what interests him the most and use it as a topic for conversations. For instance, if he likes guitars, you can approach him for guitar lessons. I know it’s a little sneaky but a girl has to do what a girl has to do. If he offers to teach you, you get a chance to spend more time with him before confessing your feelings.

Play off a common interest
Apart from making him give you lessons, there’s another way to go about it. This would work of both of you have something you both love, if you both belong to Marvel or DC fan club. Take advantage of that and chip in the idea of seeing the latest movie, knowing how much of a fan he is. it’s much more likely to lead to a ‘yes’.

Ask His Best Friend to Introduce Him to You
This actually works well, but only if you are friends with your crush’s friend. Confess your feelings for your crush to his friend and ask him to introduce the two of you. The best part about taking this secret route is that the friend will tell you upfront if you are the type of girl your crush would like to date. You can also ask questions to find out a bit more about your crush’s personality, likes, and dislikes.

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