Saturday, July 27, 2024

    More Than 50 People Poisoned At A Wedding Party In Iraq Due To Spoilt Food

    According to a report from local media in Iraq, no fewer than 50 people were poisoned at a wedding in Iraq’s northern province of Kirkuk due to spoilt food.

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    According to the report, the incident at the wedding occurred in the town of Hawija, west of Kirkuk, the capital city of the cognominal province.

    The provincial health chief, Ziyad Khalaf, said some cases were mild while others were severe.

    He said that all the affected people have received the necessary medical treatment in the hospital.

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    The incident came a day after a deadly fire ripped through a wedding hall in a predominantly Christian town in Iraq’s northern province of Nineveh, killing about 114 people and injuring more than 200.

    According to VOA, the deadly incident happened on Wednesday, and television footage showed fire engulfing the wedding hall, which the civil defence officials said was filled with illegal flammable cladding.

    In the aftermath of the fire, only charred metal and debris could be seen as people walked through the scene – the dark hall was only lightened up by television cameras and witnesses’ phones.

    “All efforts are being made to provide relief to those affected by the unfortunate accident,” Saif al-Badr, a health ministry spokesman, said on the state-owned Iraqi News Agency. The health department in Nineveh Province pegged death toll figures at 114.

    The wounded are being treated with various degrees of injuries at regional hospitals – some survivors arrived at local hospitals, receiving oxygen and bandages, with disrupted family members occupying the hospitals.

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    Meanwhile, Iraqi authorities warned that the death toll could rise as final figures of casualties is yet to be determined.

    No official details have been provided about the cause of the fire outbreak at press time. But initial reports by the Kurdish television news channel Rudaw suggested that fireworks at the venue might have started it.

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    In a statement released online, Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, Iraq’s prime minister, ordered an investigation into the incident and tasked the officials with the interior and health ministries to provide relief.

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    Photo credit: Getty

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