Saturday, July 27, 2024

    I Met The Love Of My Life At My Wedding To Another Man

    A British woman, Kerry Swinton has gone viral after revealing that she met the love of her life, the man she donated her kidney to, while she was getting married to someone else.

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    Kerry Swinton spilled to South West News Service that she met her now-fiancé Mark Taylor, 52, on her wedding day in 2011.

    “I thought he was kind but never imagine he’d end up being the love of my life with one of my organs,” Swinton, 46, said.

    Taylor, a longtime friend of the groom, stopped by to offer congratulations to the newly-wedded couple with his then-wife.

    “I’ve known Mark a long time, and I always liked him,” gushed Swinton to the outlet. “Mark had dated my ex’s sister.”

    “He was lovely,” she continued.

    Sadly, Swinton’s first marriage was not meant to last; after three years of being together and having a child, the couple filed for divorce in 2015.

    Throwing herself into her new life as a single mom and four years of short-term relationships, Swinton decided to call it quits on dating and focus on herself.

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    “I wanted to focus on me and my life for a change,” she said. “I threw myself into work and also decided to take up the piano again, so I bought an old affordable one on Facebook Marketplace.”

    As fate would have it, Swinton, who was browsing the web looking for help to move the instrument, stumbled upon Taylor’s moving service.

    ”We had a nice catch-up,” recalled Swinton. “We spoke about relationships, and he mentioned that he was seeing someone.”

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    A week later, Taylor reportedly reached out to Swinton and the duo began talking “nearly every day.”

    “He asked me on a date, and we had a lovely day together,” gushed the single mom, adding that the flowers that Taylor had given her “were beautiful.”

    “I could tell immediately I would fall for him,” giggled Swinton.

    After seeing each other for a few years, Swinton and Taylor decided to move in together.

    In 2021, Taylor’s health began to decline due to a genetic disorder that led to polycystic kidney disease.

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    Photo Credit: Getty

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