8 Interesting Things You Must Do As A Couple Before Having Children

As a couple, there are some things you must do before having a baby.

If you haven’t already done it yet as a couple, you need to sort out your pre-baby bucket list—before time runs out. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of things to do as a couple before having children.

Below are some of them:

1. Envision your future with children

Reflect on your time as a couple and think about whether you really want to change what you have. Unlike buying a new dress, children cannot be returned. Once they pop out into your world, you have to stick with them.

2. Spend time around children.

It could be your nieces and nephews, or children of friends, but no matter who they belong to, it is important that you spend plenty of time with them. Babysitting is not the same as having your own, but at least it will give you a feel for it.

3. Talk about babies.

Be sure to talk about babies with your partner all the time. Inject them into conversations, plans for the future, and everyday life. It will give both of you the chance to envision what your lives will be like with them around.

4. Be financially prepared.

It is no secret that raising children is very expensive. You need to plan not just for your future as a couple but for your children’s future. Be sure that you’re financially able to welcome another member into your household before diving in. Also, open a separate savings account and regularly contribute to it. It will take a load off your shoulders when your baby is ready for school.

5. Find a base

Children raised in stable households fare better than those who are not. As wonderful as it is to move around every year, it is best for your child if you provide security and routine. You and your partner need to decide where you want to raise your child before anything else.

6. Get fit

With children, you will have to constantly run around, endure sleepless nights, deal with weird meal times, and many other unpleasant changes. You need to be relatively fit and healthy for your body and mind to handle the stress. Don’t forget the massive pregnancy weight that you have to deal with. It is best to slim down now to make room for the excess weight that’s bound to come.

Read also: 17 Best Tips To Be That Happy Couple That Is Truly In Love

7. Make love everywhere

On the kitchen counter, on the living room floor, on the guest bed, under the guest bed, you take your pick. Once you have children, sex will probably be restricted to your bedroom. Even then, good luck finding the time and energy to get it on.

8. Bask in romance every now and then

Enjoy quiet time together as often as you can, because once you have babies, you probably won’t have alone time together. Appreciate each other and be grateful for each other’s company, because at the end of the day, your partner is going to be your one and only team member when raising happy, healthy, and kind little humans.

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