10 Reasons Why Your Baby Should Have A Social Media Account

Social media has become part of modern society and it has taken a toll on us and it is slowly and gradually becoming a part of our everyday life activities and also the people around us, so these are 10 reasons why your baby should have a social media accountant.
10 Reasons Why Your Baby Should Have A Social Media Account
Growing up in this modern age and time, we will figure that technology has made life a bit much easier and faster. A lot of apps are being created every day to help people around the world communicate faster and it has also helped to save memories for future preferences.
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Here are 10 Reasons why your baby should have a social media account.
  1. Confidence
    A child should feel comfortable communicating with people from a young age, and social media has been of great help in bringing introverted children out of their shells. Social media assist the process of developing a better understanding of how to communicate.
  2. Newly Formed Friendship
    Social media is a comfortable interaction environment for children, it helps boost their confidence in forming and initiating new relationships without feeling anxious and awkward. it helps them to make friends and build familiarity with other children.
  3. Helps In Boosting Their IQ Level
    The internet in general is a web of getting information from all around the world and social media isn’t exempted. Aside from improved social skills, social media can also help improve cognitive abilities, like problem-solving skills, comprehension, and memory.
  4. Community Oriented
    Children can become more compassionate and empathetic, and even feel like they have to protect their friends and share stuff with them. Pro-social video games can also reduce aggressive cognitions.
  5. Serves As Means Of Information
    When you are active on social media, you tend to stay updated about various activities and events going on around the world. The internet provides children with insights that are useful in their daily lives.
  6. Creates A Strong Connection Platform
    Technology has made it possible to connect with people all over the globe and also learn about the lifestyle and cultures. interacting via social media helps children to be more honest about their feelings.
  7. Serves As Means Of Leisure And Relaxation
    Social media helps to reduce stress by providing an outlet by which children can express themselves in the way which they understand, their fears, sadness, disappointments. It serves as a means of distraction to help them get over stressful times.
  8. Creativity
    Your child can be creative with their profile pages by editing them to whichever themed setting they want. it helps them come up with fun ideas to carry on with their day-to-day activities.
  9. Creating a suitable Career Path
    Your child can actually learn business on social media platforms. For example,t can advertise and even sell her goods from a Facebook page or an Instagram post. There is hardly any cost and it allows the child to explore a whole new experience.
  10. Creating Awareness
    Your child can be exposed to social causes over the social media network. They can take a stand and even contribute to spreading social awareness.

    Photo Credit: Getty