6 Simple Ways To Care For Your Skin A Month Before Your Wedding

There is so much to do to plan your wedding. Your skin should also be your top priority so that you can have a glowing skin on your wedding day.

Here are some skin care tips you need to do one month before your wedding day:

  1. Super Food

No matter what your skin type is – oily, dry, normal, or a combo, it craves for water. Sure, drinking water helps, but snacking on naturally hydrating foods like watermelon, works too.

2. Eye Magic

In many cases, dark under-eye circles are hereditary and some are fatigue related. Use an under eye cream that has light diffusers, which reflect light to make the eye look brighter. Remember to dab lightly to avoid tugging on delicate eye areas.

3. Vitamins

If you are dieting, remember to take a good multi-vitamin as well. If you aren’t having the correct amount of nutrients that your body needs, it will show in your hair, skin and nails.

Read also: Things To Do To Your Skin Prior To Your Wedding Day

4. Face Time

Final facials should be scheduled one week before your big day. Any allergic reaction, or unexpected skin outcome can be managed. Make sure this isn’t a chemical peel or a treatment as such. It should just be a hydrating facial for that final glow.

5. Goodbye Makeup

The month before the wedding is full of appointments, functions, etc. Don’t forget to take off your make-up every night before you go to bed. It will help you glow on your D-day.

6. Beauty Sleep

Make sure that you are sleeping well throughout. You have done your work, now take some time to relax. A soothing eye mask will help sleep easy.

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