Saturday, July 27, 2024

    10 Quick Tips To Make Your Wedding Day Go Smoothly

    The big day has arrived. It’s your wedding day, you are excited and nervous at the same time.

    WEDDING DAY KOKO Brides Nigeria 1

    To help make sure your day goes as smoothly as you have planned, these ten quick tips for your wedding day are to ensure you are stress free and have the energy to enjoy your wedding and dance the night away.

    bride to be KOKO Brides Nigeria

    1. Start Your Day on the Right Note

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    Starting your day on the right note is very important and that requires you to get a good night sleep. So you can have the energy to tackle the busy wedding day ahead.

    2. Get Your Breakfast

    10 Simple Breakfast Ideas For Your Wife 021 KOKOBRIDES

    The moment you skip breakfast and start doing other things, you are likely not to eat again. Your wedding day is not the day to skip a meal. You need all the energy you can get, so eating is very important, especially your breakfast.

    3. Stay Hydrated

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    Drink a lot of water. If you are having a summer wedding when the weather is very hot, you need to stay hydrated to avoid passing out from the heat or from the weight of your wedding dress.

    4. Have Your Vow Handy

    MARITAL VOW KOKO Brides Nigeria 1 scaled

    If you are writing your own vows, make sure you have it with you and take some few minutes to go through it again and make any changes if needed.

    5. Change of Outfit

    OUTFIT KOKO Brides Nigeria

    Regarding the reception change outfit, if you and your hubby are changing into a couple’s traditional outfits during your reception; and you will wear your outfit with a gele (head tie), double check to make sure your gele is pre-tied before leaving for your ceremony.

    Read also: 6 Simple Ways To Care For Your Skin A Month Before Your Wedding

    6. Start Your Makeup On Time

    makeup artist KOKO Brides Nigeria

    Often bride will think there is still enough time for makeup, but by the time she knows it, the time is far spent. She panics and starts rushing, which leads to stress. So avoid any unnecessary stress, start your makeup on time. Achieving this starts by booking your artist to arrive hours ahead of your wedding ceremony so he/she can finish on time and avoid rushing your makeup.

    7. Have a Touch-up Makeup Kit

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    Ask your makeup artist for a touch-up makeup kit and give it to one of your bridesmaids or wedding planner to hold for you during the day. This is because during your wedding celebration, at some point, you will need to touch-up your makeup to refresh your look, which is very important for your beautiful pictures.

    8. Take a Few Moments Away From Your Guests

    BRIDES DAY KOKO Brides Nigeria

    Before your wedding reception start, take a few moments away from your guests and get something to eat. Doing this will give you some time to relax, take in the celebration and get ready for your reception.

    9. Have a Flat Shoe Handy

    flat shoes KOKO Brides Nigeria 3

    Have a flat shoe handy on your wedding day during the reception. Toward the end of your wedding day, your feet may hurt badly, so having a flat shoe handy to change will give you the relief you need.

    10. Let Nothing or Anyone Stress You

    bride KOKO Nigeria

    Let nothing or anyone stress you out and mess up your day. Remember to pause and take at any moment, and enjoy your day with your family and friends. Your wedding is only for one day, so every minute count, enjoy it to the fullest!

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