Saturday, July 27, 2024

    A Complete Guide To Registry Office Weddings In Italy

    Registry office weddings are a non-religious alternative to Church marriages for people of other faiths, or who are of no religion. Also many couples are just not comfortable with a traditional wedding so they choose this route.

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    Foreign citizens can marry in Italy through a legally binding ceremony in any Italian Municipality or through a religious rite valid for civil purposes.

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    Below are all the information you need to plan a registry office wedding in Italy.

    Anyone can be married in Italy, as there’s no legal residency requirement for a wedding. Whether foreign or not, you’ll have to provide paperwork that certifies your identity. You also must certify that there are no legal obstacles standing in the way of your marriage.

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    Couples must be 18 years old to legally marry, and under-18s must have written parental consent. Muslim individuals aged 16 can marry with the permission of sharia authorities.

    A foreign national marrying an Italian citizen does not need to have a visa to hold a wedding in Italy.

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    Documents: You will need to prepare all necessary paperwork required for a civil, religious or symbolic wedding in Italy. Plan to have the following documents at hand:

    • A valid passport or national ID card for both parties
    • Original birth certificate for both parties
    • Divorce papers or death certificate if you have been previously married and divorced or widowed

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    Location: Civil ceremonies can occur in any location that’s been approved by Italian authorities, indoors or outdoors. Many villas, castles, public gardens and town halls are approved for use. In smaller locations, a civil ceremony will be performed by the mayor or a town officer. An interpreter is required if neither person in your party speaks Italian.

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    Fees: You should expect to pay the following fees for your Italian wedding:

    • A revenue stamp for the Dichiarazione Giurata/Nulla Osta of €16
    • A revenue stamp for the Atto Notorio of €16
    • An application for the Atto Notorio of €10,62
    • An application for the Nulla Osta of about €40
    • A rush fee of €31,86 for the Atto Notorio, if applicable

    You may also face some local administrative fees, or charges specific to your parish.

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    Photo Credit: Getty

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