Handling Kids On Your Bridal Train

Kids are such beautiful gift that fills everyone with so much joy and lightens up every room they walk into. Having children on your bridal train is a must as they play the role of the little bride and ring bearer respectively. They are usually a major highlight at many weddings with how cute and stunning they look as they stand on the train or walk down the aisle in procession.

Many times a lot of couples struggle with deciding if they would have kids on their train as they are concerned whether the kids will be a mess/difficult to handle and providing all their needs. Having kids on the train requires a lot of patience, thoughts and planning. If you are not sure whether to have kids on your train or not we are here to guide you on that decision and also share tips to help you handle kids on your train.
Read also: The Bridesmaid: Handling The Budget For A Bridesmaid

1. Bring other kids into your suite
Having other kids with your little bride or ring bearer helps them feel like a part of the bigger picture. You could have your niece, nephew, cousin or friends kids around to keep them company or play with them.

2. Keep them busy
Keeping kids busy will help them stay still and will help you save time and ease your stress. You can get a picture book, story book or any other play item that will keep them busy through out the activities of the day.

3. Get kids who are experienced
Using kids who have been on a train before makes your job simpler and better as the kids understand how a wedding works and what they need to do. They know how to act and would save you and the others a lot of stress and energy.

4. Give the kids a pep talk
Talk to the kids and give them words of encouragement so they feel calm, excited and a part of your special day. Use a lot of sweet words and have their parents around to also motivate them.

5. Have a nanny or carer on standby
Have a person who is experienced in looking after kids on standby so they can assist in managing the children and also look after them. This person helps you save time and energy.

6. Create activites that involve them on the train
Having activities that involve them on the train helps keep their energy levels in check like a recitation, a dance a walk etc. Giving your kids official wedding duties is a great way to get them involved in your big day, whether its ushering guests to their seats, walking the bride down the aisle, or serving as maid of honor or best man. Just let their age and comfort level be your guide.

Photo Credit: Getty