Sunday, September 8, 2024

    Aww! Funbi’s Romantic Proposal To His Sweetheart Moved The Both Of Them To Tears

    Life is perfect when you have met the right one, your heart is for all the right reasons filled with beautiful light. And that feeling makes you go to the extra length to keep it being that way, even if it means doing all the cheesy things you said you would not do, including a very mushy proposal. Funbi who had planned the sweetest proposal for Eyimofe could not withstand the sight of her being transfixed at the proposal venue, her surprised and emotional look nearly brought the both of them to tears. We could continue to tell you how the story went down, or we let Eyitimofe tell you about her big engagement day. Read all about their sweet love story herefunbi 2 brides ng

    “I would describe my engagement day as one of the most beautiful and well put together days of my life. It happened on the 23rd of September, 2018 at 411 Restaurant in Victoria Island, Lagos State. On Saturday, September 22nd, 2018, my mum and I were discussing our plans for the next day being Sunday and I mentioned to her that I was going to the Cinemas to see a movie ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ with Funbi after church service. What this meant was that although we would ride to church together in the same car, I wouldn’t go back home with her since Funbi’ would drop me at home after our movie. Surprisingly, my mum didn’t object which was unusual because we always spend Sundays together and we have somehow tagged Sundays as our Mother-Daughter day. On Sunday, we went to church, as usual, I served as an usher and got ready to leave after the service was over. eyimofe 4 brides ngOluwafunbi came to pick me from church around 1:30 pm and suggested we had lunch first before our movie. When he mentioned that we would have lunch at the 411 restaurant, I was a bit caught aback as to why we were going to eat at a fancy restaurant instead of our regular more affordable food spots such as ‘The Place’, ‘Black Bell’. I jokingly said to him that if I didn’t feel well-fed, we’d still have to go to the usual food spots we were more familiar with. We got to the restaurant and the compound was empty, it appeared like we were the first customers to arrive at the restaurant. I approached the door and was unsure as to whether we should sit in the restaurant itself or go to their outdoor rooftop sitting area but Funbi who had orchestrated the proposal nudged me to go into the restaurant instead. eyimofe 2 brides ngHe opened the door and I saw Funpe (Funbi’s brother) with his camera and tripod and I was about to turn to Funbi to say Funpe has a shoot here before a saxophonist in the corner started to play “All my life” by KC & Jojo with red balloons and petals spread across the floor. Initially, I couldn’t move, it felt like my legs were glued to the ground. Funbi was somehow able to move me to the side so he could come from behind me to the front considering I had stayed glued to the entrance. There he was, looking dapper in his blue crisp native attire, he got down on one knee and for a moment couldn’t muster anything. I was struggling not to let the tears drop from my eyes considering I’m a ‘bad guy’, as well as the pictures our family and friends had started taking.eyimofe 4 brides ng Funbi was lowkey also getting teary just before he asked me the big question “Eyitimofe (which he fondly calls me), will you marry me? I nodded my head in affirmation and the most beautiful ring was slipped through my finger. We hugged each other and greeted our family and friends who were in attendance. Funbi had organized the most beautiful proposal with the right set of people in attendance. I was still surprised after it had happened and till this day, I can’t believe he pulled that off without me having the slightest inclination. Of course, there was no movie after the proposal, we all just sat and had lunch, laughing, taking pictures and generally jollying together. Only after the engagement did I get to know that Oluwafunbi had met with my parents as well as spoken to my brother without my knowing to seek their consent to proceed with his plans to propose to me and eventually becoming my husband. This then explained why my mum didn’t mind giving up our seemingly Mother-Daughter day.eyimofe 3 brides ngPhoto Credit: @awgzzz

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