Valerie And kelechi’s Love Story Is The Most Awesome Thing You’ll Read Today

After many attempts to get Valerie to see him as the next big thing for her, Kelechi finally won the love of his life. The groom-to-be Kelechi shared that: “I and Valerie met in church on the 21st of feBRUARY 2016. I came to church that Sunday and the Usher on duty directed me to sit down next to her (God Bless that usher(. So while the sermon was going on, she asked me for my pen and even though i had only one and i wanted to make use of it, I gave it to her. After the service, she returned it back top me but i asked her to keep it. Then is asked for her number and took it up from there. I started calling her everyday after that day but the response she was giving me wasn’t encouraging at all. Its just that i knew that Valerie is the type of woman that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with, so i pursued her relentlessly. She would always come up with different reasons why she thinks we couldn’t be together but i never gave up on the love that i have for her. When she went for her service program in Calabar, I flew there to see her. With my consistency, she began to realise that i deeply cared for her and we moved from being friends to lovers and today we are about to say “I do”. Valerie is the girl far beyond my wildest dreams, she’s the answer to my Dna and i’m just so excited that i’m going to be her husband.

Photo Credit: Getty