You Wouldn’t Believe How Amarachi And Femi Met!

You know how people always say that, when it’s the right time, the universe will definitely fall over itself, so you can meet the right people? Well, in Amarachi and Femi the universe didn’t just bend over, it made sure they are well on their way to happily ever after. Bride-to-be shared their love story with us and it was absolutely beautiful! 

Femi and I fell in love a little over 9 years ago. It happened in the university library, where we were both meant to be studying for exams. He was trying to avoid a stalker and ran into me.

We had a 2-hour long conversation but honestly, it felt like 30 minutes. After that day, we couldn’t wait to be in each others’ company again.

 After about one year of dating (actually, of him being my G), I knew that it will be my loss if I didn’t marry Femi. Asides being funny, witty and in love with me, Femi is an absolute gem.