Sunday, September 8, 2024

    10 Steps To Avoid Heartbreak

    A heartbreak is very great sadness and emotional suffering, especially after the end of a love affair or close relationship. A heartbreak can cause intense emotional stress, grief or pain.

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    Most people have experienced a broken heart, and there are multiple possible causes. But whether it comes from a breakup with a significant other or other reasons, heartbreak is never easy.

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    Below are 10 steps to avoid heartbreak.

    Don’t overreact or seek revenge: When someone you love rejects you or is not interested in you anymore, it’s easy to overreact. The pain and confusion from a break up can cause you to do anything to win them back or release the pain through revenge. So its important to be sure and to think twice before doing anything.

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    Remember once you seek revenge you can not take it back. What is done is done.

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    Don’t date vicious people: Don’t jump in a relationship again and again to experience love. Things always end up badly and you get involved with the wrong person. Be careful who you date otherwise things will go nasty and you will be heartbroken.


    Accept Responsibility: You need to accept responsibilities that come with a relationship and know that fulfilment and satisfaction ultimately begins and ends with you. Taking charge of your happiness changes everything and avoids heartbreaks.


    Don’t Ignore His Value: You will need to know whether he shares your morals and values. If your values and his values isn’t in line, you will definitely run into problems which will cause a heartbreak. Talking about marriage, having kids sooner than later is also important so that you will both know where you stand and if you both want that.

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    Know yourself: Most people nowadays don’t know what they truly want in life; let alone whether or not they want a relationship. You should sit down and discover your ideas and goals that you want to accomplish.


    It will make and simplify your relationship and whether your happy the way its going. This will encourage you to look further in your relationship and would avoid heartbreak in the long run.


    Lay down the ground: You will need to be able to speak to your partner about anything that’s bothering you. You will need to let your partner how you would want to be treated and what makes you unhappy.


    Trust your instincts: Trusting your intuition is the ultimate act of trusting yourself. Listening to your intuition helps you avoid unhealthy relationships, heartbreaks and other situations. If your gut instinct is telling you to get out the relationship then you should listen.


    Pay Attention to red flags: Don’t ignore any relationship red flags. If you’re with someone who’s physically or emotionally abusive, lies, or mistrusts you, these are key signs that you should end the relationship. If you don’t pay attention to any of these signs, you’re leaving yourself to future heartbreak.


    Read Also: 10 Reasons Why You Should Date An Older Man

    Don’t Focus on the Superficial: Its important that you concentrate on values, goals, and morals, rather than high-paying jobs and luxury items. If you partner ends up poor one day, you will not have all those luxury items which will cause you a heartbreak.


    Photo Credit: Getty

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