Saturday, July 27, 2024

    16 Simple Discipline Methods That Are Normal For Child Upbringing

    It is important to discipline a child so that he can grow up to become a responsible fellow.

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    However, discipline methods should not be seen as punishment only, but as ways of correcting a child and making a child better.

    Here are simple discipline methods that are normal for child upbringing:

    1. Praise your child for good behaviour

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    Shaping your child’s good behaviour should be your first line of defense against bad behaviour. If you see your child helping their sibling or cleaning up their toys, then encourage such with praise.

    Read also: 10 Creative Ways To Spend Quality Time With Your Children

    2. Utilize time-out
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    While the actual concept behind time-out is not really going to sink in for a little child, time-out at this age can be useful for separating the child from the situation they are in.
    3. Be consistent with your discipline
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    Make sure you apply set rules evenly. If you are in a two-parent household, consult with your partner to ensure you both apply the same rules in the same way.
    4. Redirect them
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    Young children between the ages of 2 to 3 years old are curious and they may try to investigate things that they should not. Telling them “no” may result in a tantrum, or they may just keep trying to do it! You may need to redirect them with another object or activity that is appropriate.

    For example, if your child keeps trying to open the kitchen cupboard door, then you could redirect them to a favorite toy.

    5. Be patient when explaining your rules to your children
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    Children who are up to two years and above can understand simple reasoning as long as you explain your rules in a way that they understand.
    6. Be firm with your child
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    Do not give in to whining or complaints. If you let your child do whatever they want, they will learn that whining will allow them to get their way, and they will use it to their advantage in the future.For instance, if your child says repeatedly, “I want to play outside,” but it is time for dinner, you need to insist that they can only play outside when you allow it.

    7. Do not discipline every atypical behaviour
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    Sometimes, as a parent, you perceive their child’s innocent offense as deliberately intended to irritate or cause mischief. In fact, many children only learn how to explore the world around them through misbehavior.

    • When your child does act inappropriately, make it clear that you do not want such behaviour to be repeated. Offer a substitute activity, such as drawing on a piece of paper or in a colouring book instead of drawing on the walls. You could also get your child to help you clean the mess up. You do not, however, need to yell at or punish your child for doing something that they did not know was wrong.

    8. Express empathy and love

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    Let your child know that you care for them by saying something like, “I know you want to walk downstairs, but it is not safe for you to go there yet.”

    • Understanding that most of the trouble your young child gets into is the result of them being naturally curious, not bad or willfully misbehaving. Understanding your child’s mental development will help you see the world from your child’s eyes a bit more, and inspire you to treat your child with greater empathy.
    • Don’t be afraid to say “no.” You’re the parent and must govern your child’s behaviour.

    9. Create a distraction for your child

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    By creating a distraction for your child, you can redirect their energy in a positive way. Think about the situation that you and your child are in and look for creative alternatives that your child could engage in.

    10. Try a time-out

    strict parents 3

    A time out consists of forcing the child to sit in a certain place for a given amount of time, generally one minute for every age of life. For instance, if your child is five, they should take a time-out for five minutes in the event of misbehaviour.
    Time-out is an appropriate form of discipline for children up through elementary school age. The purpose of the time-out is to provide space for the child to reflect on their actions in a quiet moment.
    11. Remove your child’s privileges
    Child discipline

    For young children, especially, ensure that you take away privileges as soon as you notice the undesirable behaviour. This creates an association in the child’s mind between the behaviour and the loss of the privilege.

    12. Create a schedule
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    From the age of six months and up, give your child a regular routine. For instance, a six-month old might begin each day with a wake-up time at 8:00, breakfast at 9:00, play time until lunch at 12:00, a nap at 1:00, and a 7:00 bedtime. As children age, push bedtime back and provide more freedom in deciding how to use their time. Getting an early understanding of how to structure and manage one’s time will give children an advantage when they enter grade school.
    13. Maintain a strong bond with your child

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    As your child grows, it becomes harder to discipline them as you did when your child was younger. Punishment or the threat of punishment will only go so far; a better solution to ensuring your child’s good behaviour is to stay connected and encourage your child to act properly through positive reinforcement.Ensure the punishment is appropriate
    If you take away a book that your child has no interest in, you haven’t really punished your child at all. On the other hand, if you ground your child for a week just because they arrived late to the dinner table, the punishment exceeds the severity of the infraction. Discipline your child in a fair, balanced way. Talk with your spouse in order to find the best punishments for your child.
    14. Don’t protect your child from natural consequences
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    Natural consequences are those which are produced as a direct result of an individual’s actions. For instance, a natural consequence for a child 8-12 might be that they left their book at a friend’s house, and cannot read it.
    15. Encourage your child to reflect on their mistakes

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    For instance, if your child got a low grade in school, ask them why they think that happened. Perhaps they will reply that they consistently put the assignment off until it was too late for them to finish it in a timely manner.
    16. Let your teen know what your zero-tolerance policies are

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    While a great deal of teen discipline relies on negotiating with your teen in order to reach a win-win situation, there are some things you need to hold the line on. For instance, you might insist that your teen never drinks, does drugs, or brings friends over to the house when you or another adult is not home. Let your teen know these are unacceptable and nonnegotiable.
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