Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Healthy Lifestyle Changes You Should Indulge In To Promote Better Sleep

    To promote better sleep, you need to have a healthy lifestyle. Check your diet, and make sure you have a good balanced diet. Exercise regularly, practice meditation. All these will help you have better sleep.

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    Healthy lifestyle changes are those things you do to promote better sleep and keep your health on check.

    Here are some healthy lifestyle changes to promote better sleep:

    1. Nap briefly and rarely

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    If you must nap, keep it under 30 minutes. Long naps will make you sleepy all day and wakeful at night. Take your naps in the mid afternoon. This is the time least likely to disturb your sleep schedule.

    2. Exercise

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    During the day, get out your natural physical energy. Go for a run, a walk, or a long bike ride.

    Cease all vigorous exercise in the two hours before you sleep. Exercising too close to your bedtime may make it difficult for you to fall asleep.

    Moderate stretching and walking in the evening will not interfere with sleep.

    3. Eat the right amount

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    Going to bed hungry or stuffed will disrupt your sleep. Try to finish your eating two to three hours before you go to bed. If you are prone to stomach acid, be especially vigilant about this.

    4. Limit caffeine and alcohol consumption

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    Caffeine may interfere with your sleep if ingested within the six hours before bedtime. Avoid coffee and tea in the evening, as well as caffeinated soda and dark chocolate.

    Although alcohol can help you feel tired and relaxed, it actually interferes with the quality of your sleep.

    Alcohol plunges you into deep sleep, and causes you to wake up early and unrested. It can also cause you to urinate, sweat, and snore, all of which can disturb your sleep.

    If you like a warm drink at night, try herbal tea, warm milk, or just warm water. This lifestyle helps to promote healthy sleep.

    Read also: How To Get Quality Sleep: Setting Up A Sleep-Friendly Environment

    5. Say no to medicine, drugs, and cigarettes

    alcohol and cigarette

    Sleep medication can interfere with the quality of your sleep and the consistency of your sleep routine, so it’s best to avoid it if possible. If you practice good sleep hygiene and are still unable to fall asleep, you may want to talk to your doctor about short-term use of sleeping medications.

    6. Manage stress

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    Stress and worry will keep you up at night. Establishing a consistent wind-down routine will help you communicate to yourself that it is time to sleep.

    If you are plagued by thoughts of things you need to do, keep a pad by your bed where you can jot them down before you go to sleep. After you write them down, remind yourself that you cannot worry about them right now.

    7. Get regular checkups

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    Certain medical conditions have been linked to poor quality sleep, such as heart failure, heart disease, obesity, stroke, depression. If you treat the disease/disorder, your sleep may also improve.

    See your doctor at least once a year for a checkup to rule out these possibilities. This healthy lifestyle is very good to keep your health on check.

    Read also: 8 Surprising Things Sleep Does To Your Overall Wellbeing

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    Photo credit: Getty

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