Saturday, July 27, 2024

    10 Common Sexual Problems In A Relationship And Tips To Rekindle The Passion In Your Sex Life

    A happy romantic relationship needs more than love. It needs a healthy dose of sexual intimacy too.

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    Love could help you both live together comfortably in each other’s company. But if you want your relationship to feel exciting, passionate, and memorable every single day, then you need to focus on sexual intimacy, just as much as you indulge in romantic gestures.

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    Some people start off on a whirlwind romance where they can’t keep their hands off each other during the first few months or years, but eventually end up in a relationship where they touch each other only to nudge their partner in bed or to get their partner’s attention.

    And that perfect start to a happy romance turns into a relationship where there’s no sexual intimacy or excitement after a few years.

    This kind of problem starts in unnoticeably small ways, until it gets to the point where one or both of you just don’t feel alive in the relationship anymore, and desperately seek out ways to experience more excitement in your lives.

    Below are some common sexual problems in a relationship and how to avoid them:

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