Tips For Teaching Children About Personal Hygiene To Keep Them Healthy

The best way to teach your child about personal hygiene is to model it to them.

To teach little children about personal hygiene, recite it to them like an everyday poem. Allow them to practice how to take care of themselves and be sure to check in frequently.

  1. Teach children the 6 steps of hand-washing

The six steps of hand-washing include wetting the hands, applying soap, lather the soap, rubbing hands for at least 20 seconds, rinse them and dry them. You can use your bathroom to do this activity.

2. Have your child list all the times it is necessary to wash hands

Teach them to always wash their hands before and after eating, after using the toilet, after playing, after handling raw meats or fish, etc.

List all the places germs like to hide and how best to clean them with soap and water.

Read also: 12 Simple Manners Every Child Should Know

3. Teeth them how to brush their teeth

Have your children choose their own brush. This will encourage them to brush their teeth; children often respond better when it is something they have a choice in. You should hand out toothpaste and show them how to brush their teeth.

Make brushing fun by brushing with them and playing a 3 minute song that they like.

4. Create a lesson to repeat every flu season

Demonstrate how colds and bacteria are passed around and teach your child to cough into their arm, wash their hands and avoid sharing germs through communal food or supplies.

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