Saturday, July 27, 2024

    The 5 Love Languages

    Love language is what describes the ways in which people receive and express love in a relationship. Knowing your partner’s love language and letting them know yours can help you ensure you both feel loved and appreciated in your relationship. Many people want to be able to please their partners but at the same time don’t know the basic 5 love languages which would be of great assistance to ensure that.

    The 5 Love Languages

    It is never too late to start loving in a better way, and if you are in a situation where you wish to do better in your relationship, here are the 5 common love languages and we hope you pin this down for ideas that will be helpful in your relationship.
    Read also: What Is Love Language

    Here are the 5 love languages everyone needs to know
    The 5 Love Languages KOKOBRIDES2Words of affirmation
    Words of affirmation are about expressing affection through words, praise, or appreciation. When this is someone’s primary love language, they enjoy kind words and encouragement. They also enjoy uplifting quotes, love notes, and cute text messages. You can make this person’s day by complimenting them or pointing out what they do well. For people whose love language is words of affirmation, words might actually speak louder than actions for them. These people love compliments and pet names, and cherish hearing you say “I love you” more than anything, and even more so if they’re told the reasons why they are loved. This kind of person gets really emotional when they are being scolded or told hurtful words.
    The 5 Love Languages KOKOBRIDES1 scaledActs of service
    For acts of service, a person feels loved and appreciated when someone does nice things for them, such as helping with the dishes, running errands, or changing the light bulb. They love when people do little things for them and often can be found doing these acts of service for others. People who prefer to receive acts of service from partners love to be shown, rather than told, they’re cared for. For them, action speaks louder than words. When their partner takes care of a task they’ve been avoiding, they take it as proof their partner loves them.
    10 Gifts To Say Im Sorry To Your Boyfriend KOKOBRIDES11Quality time
    For those who identify with quality time as their love language, love and affection are expressed through undivided attention. This means putting down the cell phone, turning off the tablet, making eye contact, and actively listening. Make them your priority, show them you love them by spending quality time with them and giving them undivided attention. People whose love language is quality time want to know that their partners are interested in what they have to say, how they’re feeling, and what they want to do with their time. They’re likely to be hurt if they don’t feel listened to, or special.
    gift koko brides.jpg 2Receiving gifts
    Gift-giving is symbolic of love and affection for someone with this love language. They treasure not only the gift itself but also the time and effort that was put into it. They also do not necessarily expect large or expensive gifts, but rather the meaning behind the gift is what appeals to them. In other words, when you take the time to pick out a gift specifically for them, it tells them you really know them. These kinds of people are likely to take birthdays and anniversaries seriously.
    What Is Love Language KOKOBRIDES3Physical touch
    This is another love language people love. A person with this love language feels loved through physical affection. Aside from sex, those who have physical touch as their primary love language feel loved when their partner holds their hand or gives them a massage at the end of the day. They love hugs and kisses, and when their partner isn’t as physical, they can feel lonely and unloved.

    Photo Credit: Getty 

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