Saturday, July 27, 2024

    10 Tips To Help You Avoid Becoming A Bridezilla

    A bridezilla is a soon to be bride who is overly involved with the details of her wedding and becomes extremely self-centred, demanding, or otherwise difficult to tolerate. Wedding planning often brings out the worst in a woman. It is only normal that you want the perfect wedding in every way.

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    Planning a wedding is stressful. It’s only natural to worry while wedding planning, however you will make the transformation into a bridezilla. There are, however, ways to avoid it.

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    Below are 10 tips to help you avoid becoming a bridezilla.

    1. Don’t get overwhelmed: Emotional overwhelming can make it difficult to take care of yourself. You may forget meals, skip rest breaks, or struggle to even fall asleep. These behaviours can in turn lower your ability to think rationally.

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    Take a deep breath and step away. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, a quick way to begin to relieve those feelings is by doing breathing exercises.

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    2. Invest in a wedding planner: You can relax knowing that you have someone that you cant trust and know that nothing important will be missed. Feeling overwhelmed and stressed and lashing out at your friends and friends comes with the wedding planning, especially if you’re doing it all on your own.

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    By avoiding becoming a bridezilla you should hire a wedding planner as it calms you, reassures and support you, so that you feel relaxed throughout the whole process.

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    3. Listen to friend and family: Listen to those who are close to you; it’s important to take on people opinion in consideration. Whether you agree with them or not. Your bridesmaids, family, and maid of honour are there to be honest with you, not offend you.

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    4. Take time out: It is so important to take time away from wedding planning so you can look after yourself, your friends, and your relationship with your soon to be husband. Practise self-care, such as taking trips to a local spa, having bubble baths or watching movies.

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    5. Be open: Don’t feel the need to keep everything and do everything yourself. Speak to you soon to be husband. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Its important to not panic and keep stress levels low.

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    6. Stay Focused: Keep a special picture of you and your fiancé with you always. Whenever you feel like things aren’t going your way just look at the picture and remember why you you’re doing this. The stress about the wedding will lose importance when you just think about how much you love your soon husband to be.

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    7. Have a sense of humour: It can be annoying when things don’t go as planned, but make sure you learn to smile about it. Whenever something goes wrong, try to see the funny side of it. Practice your best smile and nod, or be a bit rebellious and have funny answers prepared.

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    8. Think before you text, email, or call: Before going crazy in messages to your bridesmaids, vendor, or family just take a moment. If you’re in a bridal outrage step away from all electronic devices and go for a walk, doing breathing exercises, pet your dog, or play your favourite songs. You’ll need time to clear your head and accept the issue.

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    9. Vent: Venting is important when it comes to planning a wedding. If you don’t have an opportunity to release all your stress and frustrations, it can come out to letting it out on an innocent victim. Vent to your family, friend and your partner.

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    10. Celebrate accomplishments: It’s completely normal if you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and completely tired. You’re planning your wedding. Celebrate every task you accomplish. Set a date with the vendor, DJ then treat yourself with some cocktails or get facials.

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    Photo Credit Getty

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