Benefits Of Avocado And How To Use It To Cure Dry, Irritated And Scaly Skin

Avocado is a very popular fruit that can be commonly found anywhere around the globe.

The Natural taste it adds to foods and salads is very amazing. Normally, most people get addicted to this fruit.

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Though Avocado is a kind of fruit rich in fat and people base on that fact and give it a bad reputation, but experts agree that it is the healthy kind of fat (from monounsaturated fatty acids).

One big thing that people need to know about the fat avocado produce is, it benefits many functions in your body, including the health of your skin. Getting enough of these fats is essential to help keep skin flexible and moisturised.

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Vitamin E which is an important antioxidant that helps protect your skin from oxidative damage and enhances your skin can highly be found in avocado. Vitamin C is another essential nutrition for bright and smooth skin. When vitamin c and E come together, it works very effectively and gives potential good skin results.

Symptoms like dry skin, rough skin, and scaly skin is likely to show on someone who is having vitamin C deficiency. That’s why the eating of avocado is very important to protect your skin and make it glow.

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In every half avocado is 14% of the daily value of vitamin E and 11% of vitamin C, they also pack compounds that may protect your skin from sun damage.

Photo Credit: Getty