How To Plan A Nikah Ceremony

If you’re planning a Nikah ceremony, you should know that hosting this celebratory event is one that is highly regarded within the Islamic religion.

Once you and your partner have agreed to get married, planning a Nikah is similar to other events (after you have all the religious requirements in place, of course).

READ ALSO: The Process And Requirements Of A Nikah Ceremony

Couples will often pick a date, decide on the venue, and figure out where they will serve food. If the Nikah will be held at the mosque, get a time and date confirmed with the imam and invite your family and friends.

Next, ask two male relatives, often one from the bride’s side and one from the groom’s side, to be the witnesses.

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At this stage, it’s also best to decide on a Mahr before the ceremony so there isn’t any confusion or awkwardness at the actual event.

Once all requirements are met, decide on décor and seating if the event is taking place at home. Nowadays, Nikahs are heavily influenced by the all-white weddings, so couples will often use whites, creams, and gold for their color palettes.

Regarding seating, couples often prefer to have guests at the front of the main hall so they can face them during the Nikah. It’s also wise to have a small table nearby to use for signing the marriage document, as well as for sweets to pass out immediately after the ceremony.

Another thing to remember? Traditionally, the bride and groom do not exchange vows during a Nikah ceremony.

The imam or officiant will often recite a chapter or a couple of verses from the Quran, the Muslim holy book, and give a short sermon (or khutba), sometimes about the meaning of marriage, the rights and responsibilities of the husband and wife, or a similar topic.

Food is a key element that you should plan for, though. It’s uncommon for Muslims not to have food at any event. The event is sometimes broken up into two parts if the ceremony is held at the mosque, so sweets may be passed out immediately after to celebrate the new union, and dinner may be held at a different location.

Depending on your family and culture, the type of food may vary. Alcohol, on the other hand, is forbidden in Islam so alcoholic drinks are rarely (if ever) served at any Muslim event.

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